What’s happening in the studio

I taught a v-shawl class last week.

The second day of the class was Sunday. On that day the weavers were ready to weave the “v” part of the shawl. These shawls are woven in 2 layers up to the “v” where the fronts join to create the back.

Here is what the shawls looked like when they came off the looms. (The fringes will be trimmed later.)

I think they are happy because they survived this class!

I’ve been doing my own work in the shop as well.

Red chenille scarves.

More chenille scarves.

These are samples of needlefelted ornaments that we will make this weekend at our Holiday Market Open House. These will also be available as kits.




3 thoughts on “What’s happening in the studio

  1. Hello, I just found your blog, what lovely sheep!

    The v-shawls look complicated but very pretty. Can they be done on any kind of loom, (like a rigid heddle, or four shaft loom), or do they need more shafts? I have a couple of weaving books but have never seen anything like this.

    If I was closer I would definitely take a class!

    • You need 4-shafts for the v-shawls. It’s double weave so the fronts are 2 separate layers and the back part is joined as you cut warps and they become weft. I learned to do this from a book by Kirsten Froberg called Weave a V. You can get it on Laura Fry’s weaving website: http://laurafry.com/

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