A Weaving Weekend

The Sacramento Weavers and Spinners Guild hosts an Open House in February. This year’s theme was Weavers Gone Wild. Here are a few photos.DSC_8535 One of the people in last summer’s Color Wheel class created this display from the fiber that she blended in class.

DSC_8545 Triaxial weaving.DSC_8552 Navajo weaving.DSC_8554 Weaving with wire.DSC_8561 Spinning om a cardboard “wheel”.DSC_8567 Paper weaving–a great “make it and take it” project.  IMG_5361 I demonstrated weaving all weekend. I wove 2 chenille scarves using the warp I wound at Thursday’s Art as Inspiration class.IMG_5366After I finished the chenille I put a Shetland wool warp on the loom and wove 4 scarves for a commission.DSC_8569The last warp was all Jacob. I wove one and will finish the other at home. Seven scarves in a weekend isn’t bad.DSC_8571This is a close-up of the last one just because I still have my new macro lens on the camera.

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