Across the Road

There are sunflowers growing across the road from us. Here is what we saw last week. DSC_4129 DSC_4131 DSC_4132 DSC_4134 DSC_4135 DSC_4137 DSC_4139  You would think that Rusty would be afraid here…DSC_4119…since he is so afraid of these, but the helicopter doesn’t bother him.DSC_4159 DSC_4166



2 thoughts on “Across the Road

  1. Robin, I really enjoy your blogs…reading and seeing your farm, your family and all the animals. Keep it up! So much information….

  2. the helicopter appears to be spraying. what does it spray on sunflowers?….fun seeing the balloon. rusty is a brave and stalwart pooch who has earned a medal for enduring these alien interlopers.

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