Marilyn’s Fleece

Marilyn is one of seven lambs that I kept from the 2013 lambing season.Hot LIps and 3007Here she is with her mom, Hot Lips.30071st place ewe lamb 3007 Marilyn was my choice to take to Black Sheep Gathering last year where she won her class. (Hot Lips was Champion Jacob Ewe at BSG when I took her there!)Marilyn 13007 leftHere she is at 9 months old last fall. When Farm Club members chose their fleeces “on the hoof” I put my name on Marilyn’s.Shearing MarilynShearing Day.DSC_7448 Marilyn’s fleece looks brown, but those are sunbleached tips.DSC_7429 This is what her fleece looks like from the cut side. Isn’t it gorgeous?DSC_7521 Detail of the staples.DSC_9047 Last week I carded Marilyn’s fleece on my Clemes & Clemes electric drum carder.

DSC_9056  Here are the batts ready to spin. Hopefully there will be a post before too long in which I’ll have photos of finished yarn and a project. To be continued…

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