At the Loom

It hasn’t been all hiking and lambing. I’ve been at the loom too.King size blanket This is a king-size blanket I wove for a customer who had their llama/wool yarn spun at Yolo Wool Mill. I also wove 2 throws for this person. 859-1, 859-4These are two lap blankets woven of wool from sheep at the Barinaga Ranch, a sheep dairy in Marin County.859 Lap blankets-AWBThis is a close up of all four blankets on that warp. The brown weft is Jacob wool dyed with black walnut. I’m always trying to get better photos. The photo above is shot on AWB (auto white balance). The one below, shot on the cloudy setting, isn’t that much different, although on my computer the AWB photo has more of a bluish cast.859 Lap blankets-cloudy

But look at the next one.859 Lap blankets-shade  The white balance was set to “shade” which is where I took the photo. What is reality? I think it’s closer to the top two.860-2, 860-3-AWB I just finished a warp for three shawls. This is CVM yarn in the warp with different locally produced weft yarns.  860-2, 860-3-cloudy Same shawls with white balance set to “shade”.Shawl detail Detail of shawl on the left.


Imperial yarn, Columbia This is on the loom now. An experiment. Hopefully all those holes will fill in when it is finished.

The pieces above will be for sale on my website and at the Fibershed Marketplace after our photoshoot that is in a few weeks.

3 thoughts on “At the Loom

  1. These are just beautiful. All the different patterns and natural colors!! Can’t wait to see your show in November.

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