
I spent a lot of time on Ravelry last week chatting and posting photos because that’s where the action was for Spinzilla, a week-long spinning contest that is a fund raiser for the Needle Arts Mentoring Program for TNNA.  I hosted Team Meridian Jacobs and there were spinners here almost every day for a week. My team filled with 25 spinners so, although I was captain, I didn’t do any spinning. I knew that I needed to keep working on pieces for my upcoming show at the Artery. Here are some photos from the week. Rusty also wrote a blog post about his part in the activities.

Look at the gorgeous yarn being spun.DSC_8587Yarn      DSC_8736

DSC_8672There were prizes everyday. These are special fiber jars donated by Dona.DSC_8732At the end of the week everyone measured their yarn and submitted the totals along with photos to Spinzilla. We don’t know the results yet, but all of our returning members exceeded their totals from last year.DSC_8823 We spent a little time in the barn taking photos to share with others and to enter in the photo contest to be judged this week. DSC_8833 DSC_8716

Processed with MoldivDSC_8738We heard that some teams required a commitment of a certain amount of yards spun, but for our team the whole thing is about Fun. I look forward to spinning on the team next year.

At theAththe end of the week

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