Close to Home–Post #16 The End

Monday I took down the show. Two dedicated  and fabulous friends came to help. They tagged and wrote price labels for all the pieces and sorted sold from unsold. I took out nails, patched holes, got the museum putty that held signs off the walls, and figured out how to condense this whole gallery….DSC_9931into the corner at the end of the room. I didn’t finish until the next day.IMG_0227This is some of the blankets all tagged and ready to show again.

I was able to keep a lot of pieces there. I hope a lot sell because in January it will be someone else’s turn for a show in the gallery and my things will go back out to a smaller space in the main part of the store.IMG_0404 Here is what I did. The chenille scarves came back to the display, although baby blankets are still in the other room of the store.IMG_0405 One wall.IMG_0406 The other wall.DSC_9957Remember this?Close to Home, commentsNow it’s full of wonderful comments. I like Breanna from Fair Oaks mindset, don’t you?

Thanks to everyone who came, who commented, and who bought, and supported the local sheep industry and your local weaver/farmer!!!!


1 thought on “Close to Home–Post #16 The End

  1. This has been a fabulous series and your show was just lovely! Wish I could have come out to see it, but your pictures have been wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

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