Farm Day

Shearing Day is coming up so next weekend and Farm Club members came Saturday to help get things ready. Dona took a lot of great photos and all of these are hers.DSC_9860 There is always barn cleaning.DSC_9868 DSC_9881 DSC_9883A break for puppy-time.DSC_9898After finishing with the barn…DSC_9921…it was time to preview fleeces.DSC_9912 Mary made cards to be put into bags as the sheep are shorn and she recorded which fleeces were reserved by Farm Club members.

.DSC_9934Maggie watched from above.

 DSC_9947 DSC_9994 Everyone was anxious to get hands-on the fleeces.

DSC_9941DSC_9996This is Isadora and her July lamb, Isabelle. Shearing Day is an Open House so if you’re in the area you are welcome to come. See this link.

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