Road Trip to CO – Arches #2

We had only one day to spend in Arches National Park, but we took advantage of it all, hiking/walking/driving. I posted a lot of photos here, but there are more.


We spent the first half of the day hiking a 7-mile trail. After that we drove to various points of interest or overlooks where there were shorter trails to more arches.


We ended up hiking about 12 miles that day.DSC_0883

The scenery was all spectacular. DSC_0886

This is looking back at the parking area from the trail to Delicate Arch.


Much of the trail is walking across the slickrock.


Then the trail becomes almost a shelf that winds around the side of a cliff.


When you get the first view around the corner of that cliff you’re almost blown away (literally as well as figuratively). What a site! It’s absolutely amazing. I mean we saw a lot of arches and cool rocks and cliffs earlier in the day, but there was something about this one that is stunning. Maybe it’s because you see it suddenly as you turn the corner. Maybe because it stand alone with no other features near it.DSC_0898

Maybe it’s because of it’s size. In this photo there are people. Do you see how small they look?


In fact, there were a lot of people. It took some patience to get a photo of the arch with no people. That’s Dan sitting on the rock while others venture towards the arch. At this location the wind was so strong that it felt as though you could be blown backwards off the cliff.


Wind effect in my hair. It’s not standing up just from the sweat and 2 days of camping!


As is the case with most hikes, the trip back to the truck took a lot less time. At the bottom there are petroglyphs. These images of a horse and rider, bighorn sheep, and dogs were carved between 1650 to 1850.


We continued on the road through the park. This is an overlook across the canyon from Delicate Arch. You can see it right there in the center of the photo. The trail we took came from around the rocky cliffs at the left.


It was getting dusk when we got to the trails to see the last arches. These were relatively close to the parking lot so there were lots of people there. If you look closely you will see people on the rocks under the arches and on the trail. That gives you a sense of scale.




We followed another trail at this location…IMG_2675

…to get a different perspective…IMG_2680

…as the sun was going down.


Interesting manmade patterns.


We stopped at the visitor center to clean up and fill water jugs. I got in a bit of sheep showing practice before we left to find our camping spot for the night.

3 thoughts on “Road Trip to CO – Arches #2

  1. Just beautiful! I am sure pictures don’t do the beauty justice ~ and your photos are amazing! Makes me want to go on a road trip!

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