
I’ve been moving my photos from my computer’s hard drive to an external hard drive because I’m running out of room. As I moved the Across the Road folder I saw yellow flashing by and I thought I’d share. The landowner Across the Road from me often grows alfalfa in those fields. That is usually a three or four year crop. So every fourth or fifth year there is something else there. This year it is tomatoes. Other years there have been sunflowers. I love sunflowers.

There isn’t a story here. I’m just sharing photos of sunflowers…and in no particular order. I just like seeing these flowers.

3 thoughts on “Sunflowers

  1. Beautiful pix Robin! Funny, a couple of days ago I was at a local farm stand. I took pix of the sunflowers grown there, up against the Olympic mountains. Sunflowers look so joyous, even on a cloudy day. 🌻🌻🌻

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