Lambtown 2023

In the last post I wrote about the class I taught at Lambtown a couple of weeks ago. Now I want to share photos of my vendor booth and the sheep show.

I am still experimenting with posting from my iPad which isn’t as easy as from my computer. These photos are all entered as Medium size—that’s just a note to myself for when I review this later.

Bales of straw with the letters that say Lambtown in the early morning.

I ended up with a booth and a half space and now I’m spoiled. Will I ever want to go back to a single booth space? It’s hard to get a good feel for it from this photo. I used a rack in front to hold handwoven blankets. There wouldn’t not have been room in a single booth. There was plenty of room for people to wander in and really look at everything. There were so many people at Lambtown this year that I didn’t take this photo until after 4 on Saturday when I could finally step out of the booth. The following photos are some of the things I had in my booth.

I spent a lot of time the last couple of weeks packaging the flowers I grew and used for my own dyeing this year.

I had forgotten I had these in my shop on the farm because there is always something in front of them.

Year to Remember blankets, so called because I will custom weave these for people who want to commemorate a special year. These two use the same stripe pattern (although you can’t tell with them folded in this photo) but different colorways. The one on the left uses all naturally dyed yarns.

The hemp bag I made and wrote an article about for the most recent article of Little Looms.

The newest product in the shop and online.

The 2023 wool I just got back from the mill. I haven’t had time to put this online yet.

I have an odd variety of buttons in the shop and I brought these to Lambtown.

I brought four sheep skulls to Lambtown and sold them all. I have more at home I haven’t had time to finish.

Some of the silk scarves I’ve printed recently.

Timm Ranch yarn dyed with Indigo, hollyhock, madder, dahlia, and cosmos.

I had my own horn buttons with me and I love the way Siobhan used these two to create a closure for her woven piece.

That’s it for now. One more post for the sheep show.

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