Art as Inspiration for Weaving

At the request of a nearby weaving guild I developed a class about using favorite artwork and photos as inspiration for weaving designs. This was based on the show that I had at the Artery a few years ago and that was the subject of a Handwoven article. lisa-2This is the publicity photo we used for the show. Our model is wearing my Red Canna (Georgia O’Keefe) chenille shawl and Julia’s felt hat.

Participants in the class brought favorite photos or artwork to use as a basis for designing weaving projects and used…DSC_8455…colored pencils and…DSC_8458rayon chenille for their designs. Here are some of the plans:DSC_8450 DSC_8457 DSC_8453  DSC_8443 DSC_8439 DSC_8435 DSC_8433 DSC_8428Won’t it be fun to see these projects when they are finished?


Color Everywhere I Look

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post–at least on paper…well, on on the computer. But you know what I mean. I write a lot of them in my head but they don’t always make it here. So I was looking at my latest photos to see which in-my-head blog post to put here and these are the things that caught my eye.

 The dye class that I taught last week.

The v-shawl class that I taught last week.

Socks that Jackie made for me but it hasn’t been the season to wear them.

The color wheel class that I taught at Lambtown on Sunday.

Georgia O’Keefe’s Purple Petunia which is now on the loom.

But when you think you’ve found the most fabulous colors of yarn, fiber, and dye, you walk outside  and see this:


A sunset from last week.


I think I need to find yarn in these colors.