Ginny Gets Around

Ginny has been here a week and a half. I have been taking her with me on errands so that she’ll be used to going in the car and to help get her socialized.Ginny-Clayground Her first trip to the big city was when I delivered woven pieces to The ClayGround in Winters for a holiday sale. IMG_0656 Ginny’s selfie when choosing a Christmas tree.IMG_0676 Ginny at her first visit to the veterinarian.IMG_0686

Socializing at home with some of the spinners. IMG_0697 Christmas shopping in Vacaville. We’re watching cars go by.IMG_0707 More Christmas shopping. I learned that it’s best to go during times of heavy rain because most people stay home (or maybe they are at the malls instead of walking to stores).IMG_0710 Even in  town you can get off the cement.IMG_0580Back home at the shop. Rusty is fairly tolerant but not always happy about having Ginny around.IMG_0725View from inside looking out.