Visiting Family in Texas – Part 3

Part 2 of this Texas trip is here. This plan started way back last summer when Matt suggested that we all gather at Katie’s place in Texas for the total solar eclipse on April 8. She lives in the path of totality. It’s a good thing that Matt gave me plenty of warning. I bred the sheep a month earlier than normal so that I wouldn’t risk what happened in 2023–lambs due while we were on a planned family trip the first weekend of April. It worked, and all the 2024 lambs were born by March 7.

I didn’t go to Texas just for the eclipse. Since the family is there I spent a week with them.

Our friend, Roger, usually shares Thanksgiving and Christmas with us in California, but now that he has moved to Texas, he was a welcome addition to the Eclipse Day.

I have to attribute most of the photos to Kaleena. She did a much better job than I did with photos, especially of the actual eclipse.

We all tried out our eclipse glasses.

Then we waited.

The day was cloudy and overcast. We saw glimpses of the eclipse as the clouds came and went.

That made for some great photos by Kaleena. I evidently hadn’t paid attention to “how to photograph an eclipse”.

This was my contribution to Ellipse Day.