Learning the Game

Purple stars–triaxial weavingI was tagged! Huh? That means that someone else who has a blog let me know that she found mine. I’m supposed to state the rules and tag 7 more people and tell 7 wierd or interesting facts about myself. Hmmm. I only know one other person with a blog right now and that’s the tagger. (And I’m not quite sure how to tag her back.) So maybe I only need to think up one fact….My mom told me a long time ago that if I wanted to have a dairy I’d have to marry a dairy farmer. Should I leave it at that or tell the end of the story? I eventually did marry a dairy farmer and we had a dairy, but now he’s a teacher and I raise sheep.

Yesterday I worked on perfecting projects for a new class I want to teach. Here are photos of triaxial weaving. This is an off-loom technique in which you weave ribbon in 3 directions. I have a friend who has made a jacket front in this technique! Mine are in frames on the wall.

2 thoughts on “Learning the Game

  1. Well, you know me and I have a blog! I have _almost_ finished with my second ever warp. I messed up putting it on the first time, got things sorted out, but kind of got to liking the way the thread looks like a waterfall, so I have yet to actually beam it. Oddly enough, I think I’m enjoying warping more than I enjoyed weaving the last dishcloths! Good thing Dan likes to weave! I love that you framed your weaving!

  2. I remember that ride on that bus? With that Dairy farmer on the way to the San Francisco Marathon ? Or half marathon ?? Good time was had by all !!! O How far we’ve come!:)))

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