Power ram?

I took this photo of Houdini and told my husband that I thought he looked like an evil cartoon character.

Dan replied that he looked like one of the Power Rangers, which he just happened to see on Saturday morning. (I guess it came on after This Old House.) Now that it has rained and the sheep are walking around in tall wet grass a lot of the color from the marking harness has come off of Houdini, but in the first few days of breeding season I was ready to call him Alien Ram because he had a green tinge all over his wool.

When I’m not dealing with sheep, hay, classes, etc, I’m supposed to be weaving. I finally got a huge job finished. These are 4 queen size blankets and one double blanket that I just shipped on Friday. They are woven from wool grown by the customer’s family and she wanted blankets for her family members. They don’t look too impressive in the photo, but it was a lot of time.

Now the fun stuff (while my computer is still letting me download photos–don’t know what happened overnight). I like making these V-shawls and here are some friends helping to model them.

And this is my son making his escape after I made him take these photos.

Below is a striking shawl made by one of my students in the last v-shawl class I taught. This is her 2nd weaving!

1 thought on “Power ram?

  1. Hmmmm there is a channel that has This Old House followed by Power Rangers? 🙂 Houdini is definitely an impressive POWER RAM! I absolutely love your shawls (probably because of the lively way they are presented!) and your blankets look beautiful! I’ll have to talk more to you about the beautiful things you make!

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