Poppies & goats

When I was sorting wool the other day it such a beautiful day I was distracted by just about everything. How could you not be distracted by this?



And this…


These are the Toggenburg kids and this is how we feed them–a bucket with 9 nipples. It’s sure faster than individual bottles. We’re feeding them 3 times/day right now.


3 thoughts on “Poppies & goats

  1. Those kids are adorable Robin!

    So, I ended up missing the Lamb Shower. Not surprised – turned out to be the same day as Fran Zalkin’s memorial service in Nevada City and I didn’t have the strenght for both. Me weanie.

    The wildflowers are gorgous this year, aren’t they?

  2. Those California Poppies are beautiful, I remember them well from when I grew up in Calif. We have some here in Washington but not in large quantities. Those babies are adorable and that’s the way to feed so many without it taking up your day.

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