Starring in a music video & what to do when it rains.

I am not the music video star, but some of my sheep are. A young woman, Shannon, who lives in town contacted me when she was looking for a location to film a nativity scene for a music video she wants to produce.  It sounded kind of fun so I said she could use my place.  The filming date was last Sunday .  Shannon’s friends and family members were the actors and actresses and I was livestock wrangler.


My ram pen was the perfect set–nothing in the shot that looked modern. None of these kids had any livestock experience, but they all did great.


Violet is the starring ewe and she played her part well, standing patiently while Shannon filmed close-ups. The goat kids were a little more difficult–eating the bedding in the manger, the robes, etc. We substituted one goat kid for another part way through.


One of Shannon’s friends has a three-month old baby who was used in most of the shots, but this is the baby stunt double.


After filming in the barn, the shepherds went out to the pasture to get footage with the sheep and the donkey.

The weekend weather was great, but on Tuesday that changed. We had 5.25″ of rain on Tuesday with high winds. That was the date scheduled for a meeting of a group of weaving friends known as Yolo Weavers. We had already planned to meet at my place and make paper. It turns out that paper-making was just the thing to take our minds off the nasty weather.

paper 2-w

This is a pile of paper scraps.

paper 3-w

This is that pile of paper in a blender.

paper 4-w

Here is the resulting paper. The yarn in the first photo creates the texture in this paper.

paper 5-w

This is another of my creations. Notice the glitzy fiber in it!

paper 1-w

And here are the two girls (middle), daughters of a spinning friend, who taught us to make paper.

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