Another busy day

I spent the morning at The Artery. I December we spread into the gallery so that all the artists have more space for their displays.

This is my space.

This is one of three handspun wool scarves that I just finished.

The latest v-shawl.

A v-shawl I wove with handspun yarn. I wore this one at Black Sheep Gathering in the Spinners Lead.

As I was walking to my car I picked up these leaves. The colors reminded me of the last batch of scarves that I wove. However, they don’t look very brilliant in this photo. (I am happy with my new i-phone, but the photos are lacking something in the color–I feel like I’m looking through fog. Anyone else have that issue? I think I need to go back to the store and talk to someone.)

I got home just in time for WWW. We talked about weaving, but we also spent some time working on a felting project. I want to put together some kits for needlefelting Christmas ornaments and the WWW’s did my product testing.

Here are some results. We’ll be making these at our Holiday Market this weekend.

As soon as we were finished in the shop I helped my brother shoot a video  for his business, Ranch Management Consultants. I thought I was going to be holding the camera, but I had to be the performer while he filmed. There are probably no Emmies in my future.



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