Spinners’ Day Out

What an inspiring day this was! We had a full house here for Spinners’ Day Out. It was cold and windy outside and somehow we all fit in the shop. Then people started pulling things out of their bags! What talent! That inspired this blog post.


Janis knit this baby hat and booties for my soon-to-be-born grandson. This is yarn she spun during our Spinzilla week. She said that this pattern was one passed down from her grandmother and the booties actually stay on babies’ feet.


Dona wove this scarf on the rigid heddle loom. It is full of wild yarn including a designer leash that I made a long time ago (note clip on the side) and a beaded necklace.alisons-scarves

Alison has been going wild on her loom, exploring weave structure and color. She has woven all these scarves in the last week or two…


…in addition to this v-shawl that she wove in a class here. (By the way, photos were a bit challenging today as there was a strong north wind. Can you tell from the movement of this shawl?)


Gail wove and dyed this beautiful shibori scarf.


Lisa showed us her mushroom dyed yarn…


…and modeled Mary’s knit cowl, as well as her own Fleece Flight shawl knitted with Jacob yarn for our ongoing KAL in Ravelry.


Mary’s daughter, Maggie wove this Jacob scarf on the rigid heddle loom as her first-ever weaving project. Look at those edges!


Dona brought her quilt that had pictures of all the goats that she used to have.


This is the back of the quilt–very cute fabric!


I just finished three black walnut-dyed shawls.

Later in the day a few of us decided it was time for the annual “dress the animals in Santa hats” but that will be for another blog post.


This is a preview.

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