More with Texas Grandkids

One post just wasn’t enough for the grandkid photos.

Kirby has a great egg-collecting apron.

I think the trampoline is one of the best investments Katie and Kurtis have made. The baby is contained and having fun while Kirby can also work off energy with mom. And how nice to walk outside your door and have this without having to take the kids to town.

DSC_0152                   It seems that nightgowns are also good workout attire (see last post).


IMG_4970           After a strenuous workout it’s hard to stay awake for lunch.IMG_4973

IMG_5006        Wearing the unicorn hat she got for Christmas. Yes, there is a unicorn horn and mane on the back of this.

Another day’s activities include toenail painting, chasing your brother with a bucket on your head, more trampoline jumping, and the “Baby” dolls that I made for the kids.

IMG_5034            This time Kasen fell asleep before he made it to the high chair.

IMG_5039               When one goes to sleep sometimes its worth going on a walk so that the other will take a nap without an argument.

Sweet dreams, sweet kids!

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