Red Barn Reflections

I was in the right place at the right time for these shots. I can’t decide which I like best. Well, I think I have it narrowed to three or four…or six. I haven’t edited much other than straightening and a little cropping. I could do a lot with the color, but I hesitate to change things to what doesn’t look as natural to me. I’d love to hear what you think. Do you have a favorite?


I could have also titled this “One of these things is not like the other.” Did you see it?

I’ll be working with these photos more and will do some editing to see how that goes.

23 thoughts on “Red Barn Reflections

  1. 2nd from top-good group shot. 4th from bottom “come on, hurry up”. 3rd from bottom “wait a minute where did everyone go?”

  2. I like them all. The first and last gave the immediate most positive reaction.
    The dog is not like the others.
    You take such great pictures!

  3. It’s hard to pick a favorite – they’re all wonderful – but I think I like 7 best. The near-mirroring, the up and down line of ewe, lamb, ewe, lamb, and the reflections in the water make it a really fun image.

  4. I love them all but the first is best for me. I like the left to right procession and fewer elements.

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  5. I like the ones with less sheep, they read better in the water. The dog is good too, just not woolly enough! I think it would be fun to try to weave a small tapestry of the look.

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