Meet the Sheep

Meet the Sheep is our spring event when we invite the public to see sheep and watch fiber activities. I haven’t kept track of how long we have been doing this but I have pictures from 2009 and I think we’ve been at it longer than that. Meet the Sheep comes off smoothly now with Farm Club members handling all of the outside activities. I spend most of the time in the shop but I get out occasionally to take some photos.

IMG_6237             Farm Cub members are invited to be vendors. This is Jackie with Sheep to Shop.DSC_9492                       These are some of her handspun, handknit pillows.IMG_6241                   Colleen has Fiber Confections.DSC_9488                      She usually sells at the Davis Farmers’ Market.IMG_6242                   Gynna makes socks.DSC_9479                       Here are some of her socks knit from my Anderson Ranch yarn and Timm/Jacob yarn.DSC_9471                 Joy sells dye plants…DSC_9454          …ready to use for dyeing and ready to grow. Her butterfly is made from a Zoom Loom square.

Farm Club members also demonstrated fiber activities. Alison and Doris were processing fiber, Laura was weaving on the inkle loom, and Lisa wove a tapestry on the Lilli loom.

DSC_9397                Of course, it’s all about the animals, especially the lambs.IMG_6230          Betsy, Mary, Sue, and Marina helped children pet lambs.DSC_9520              My little goats were an added attraction this year since Julie, who usually brings goats and bunnies, couldn’t be here.  DSC_9405                 This fence helped keep the kids in one place. Moms could relax temporarily.DSC_9417                  I saved the small field behind the shop so that the sheep would be enticed to come to fresh pasture for the weekend.

An new activity was Running Through Puddles. This activity is not offered every year, but the children enjoyed it this time.

5 thoughts on “Meet the Sheep

  1. Thank you for the pictures! I couldn’t come this year but I love to see your vignettes. I liked Running Through Puddles too! I think the registration and parking fee are really good ideas and hope it worked the way you wanted.

    • We didn’t have as many people as before but we also spread it over two days. I think the predicted weather kept some people from registering. I was happy with it though and I think we’ll do it again this way.

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