Maryland 2018 – Days 3 & 4 MSWF

The Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival was the reason for this trip. I spent the first day and a half in Maryland sightseeing and hiking (see previous two posts). The Festival was on Saturday and Sunday. I think I have enough photos here for a dozen posts, but I’ll try to limit myself to just a few. This post is devoted to the sheep. One of the cool things about this show is that there are examples of several rare sheep that may not be entered but are on display. DSC_0523            Scottish Blackface.DSC_0594                  Lincoln Longwool.DSC_0656            Kerry Hill.

DSC_0664       Leicester Longwool.DSC_0670                Tunis.

DSC_0658           Herdwick.

DSC_0672            Hog Island.DSC_0674            Clun Forest.DSC_0685              Shropshire.DSC_0692              Border Leicester.IMG_6760                And of course, Jacob. This is not my ram. This one had never been shorn.IMG_6718               My sheep were shorn in February which put them at a disadvantage at this show.IMG_6794            This is Jolene and Saffron waiting for the show.IMG_6846            Andy, who drove the sheep filled trailer out here, offered to show one of the ewes.IMG_6859                                                   He is an experienced showman, but I’ll bet this is the first Jacob he has shown.

IMG_6850                                                  My sheep place in the middle. The ram, Serrano, placed 4th out of 7 or 8. Jolene was 3rd and Saffron was 7th in a class of about 10.IMG_6864                     I hung around the Fine Natural Colored Wool show in case Andy needed help. This is one of Terri M’s fleeces. Color like a Jacob, but much finer.IMG_6886                 Look who was also on display. Making their debut, these are 50% Valais Black Nose sheep, the first generation in a breed-up program with the goal of producing almost 100% purebred sheep.


IMG_6897           Elegant and cute at the same time!IMG_6869                  Seen in the parking lot!

More from the festival in the next post.


5 thoughts on “Maryland 2018 – Days 3 & 4 MSWF

  1. I love all the breed photos! And it’s nice to see those final show photos of your Jacobs that are moving on to their new flock.

      • And now I can no longer sing “Jolene” out in the barn – probably a good thing since I only know 1 line. Maybe we do need a Jolene Jr.

  2. Oh my goodness! Wandering around the breed barns and seeing all the sheep is my favorite part of MDS&W. Watching the judging. Then going into the fleece barn (and drooling). Then eating the fair-type junk food.

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