I wrote blog posts about getting ready for AGM but was overwhelmed with too many photos to sort (and other parts of life) to do more until now.

DSC_2991               The handwoven Jacob wool goodie bags were ready, filled with locally made or grown products.DSC_2995The friendly parking attendant was ready.DSC_3004 Sheep were given last minute instructions about behavior. (Karen Lobb from bide a wee Farm in Oregon)IMG_9059Guest were arriving.DSC_3001Our first gathering was a welcome by me and then a talk/book reading by Farm Club member Stephany Wilkes.  IMG_9044She read passages from her book, Raw Material, Working Wool in the West, to be published in October. This introduced the attendees to the concept of Fibershed and to Farm Club all at once.IMG_9052Next it was time for dinner. Farm Club member, Kim, provided background music throughout dinner and we were told how much people enjoyed listening to her.

The after-dinner entertainment was Project Runway, Jacob Style where we modeled garments made of Jacob wool.DSC_0119crewMost participants led sheep (some willing and some not so much) down the barn aisle…IMG_9062 …but Dona led Rick…DSC_0053crew…willingly?DSC_0077crewDSC_0071crewDSC_0068crew




IMG_9080 Doris was the recipient of the People’s Choice award.

This was only the start to a full weekend of sheepy fun!

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