Road Trip to Washington – Day 7

The previous day was the last real day of sightseeing. This was Tuesday and we needed to get home.IMG_9872Our campsite the previous night was at Beachside State Recreation Site south of Waldport, Oregon. The campsite wasn’t much since we backed up right to Hwy. 101.DSC_3876However, in the morning we walked along the beach for awhile and were amazed at the mild weather and beautiful beach. Growing up in Sonoma County, CA (me) and Oregon (Dan) we both have the impression of the northern CA coast and Oregon coast as being wild, windy, and cold.  This beach on this day was gorgeous and I could imagine sitting in the sun and enjoying a book…no time for that today.DSC_3875 We explored the beach for awhile…DSC_3872…but had to get on the road.DSC_3885We drove down the coast to Reedsport where we turned east along the Umpqua River. On the map I saw Elk Viewing Area. Sure enough, there were elk.DSC_3886

DSC_3893Crossing the Umqua River. By the way, all the rest of these photos are “drive-by”. IMG_9879Dan likes to drive and that is fine with me. I amuse myself with photos, most of which will be deleted as soon as I see them. I wish I had a barn like this.IMG_9880Or this.DSC_3895Sign of California.  I usually stop at the Mt. Shasta overlook when I’m driving south but this was through the window, the driver’s side window at that. The sky wasn’t actually that blue but I enhanced the photo so you could sort of see the mountain.DSC_3896We had an amusing time making up stories about what all those Ford vans were doing.DSC_3897There were about a dozen and all the same.DSC_3899We passed them. They passed us. Finally they exited the freeway near Yreka.DSC_3900One of the landmarks when driving on I-5 northbound. I finally got a photo.DSC_3902Approaching the mountains north of Redding. Remember the fire photos from Day 1?DSC_3907 Crews are still at work removing trees.DSC_3909It’s a sad sight.DSC_3919

DSC_3910And it was still burning.IMG_9885Almost home. When driving south on I-5, we take 505, the cut-off towards the Bay Area instead of taking I-5 as it curves east towards Sacramento. I always love these hills.

That’s it! We made it home. The dogs were glad to see us. So was my daughter-in-law who wouldn’t have to do chores again!

IMG_9955One more thing. I was reading a murder mystery  the next week (while on my next adventure) that happened to be set in the Olympic Peninsula. I had to photograph this passage to text to Dan.

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