Ginny Gets Around

Ginny has been here a week and a half. I have been taking her with me on errands so that she’ll be used to going in the car and to help get her socialized.Ginny-Clayground Her first trip to the big city was when I delivered woven pieces to The ClayGround in Winters for a holiday sale. IMG_0656 Ginny’s selfie when choosing a Christmas tree.IMG_0676 Ginny at her first visit to the veterinarian.IMG_0686

Socializing at home with some of the spinners. IMG_0697 Christmas shopping in Vacaville. We’re watching cars go by.IMG_0707 More Christmas shopping. I learned that it’s best to go during times of heavy rain because most people stay home (or maybe they are at the malls instead of walking to stores).IMG_0710 Even in  town you can get off the cement.IMG_0580Back home at the shop. Rusty is fairly tolerant but not always happy about having Ginny around.IMG_0725View from inside looking out.

Ram horn growth

I have been talking to people who want to buy sheep. I explain that it’s hard to predict at this age (2 months) how ram lambs will turn out when they are six months or a year old. I finally got around to finding photos of some of my rams as younger ages. I have posted several of these in the photo gallery on my website to illustrate how the horns can change as the rams mature.  Here are a few of the photos, but look for the rest on the website.

Look at that nice spread.

These horns are still OK although as they have grown they have moved closer to his jaw.

Diego’s horns looked OK at 4 months.

At 6 months I had my doubts about his longevity.

Here I can barely get my finger between his right horn and his jaw. Diego became the entree for a crowd the other night and he will also provide a great pelt.

Yeah! New Toys!

I met up with my friend, Irene from Cotton Clouds, to take in TNNA. This is the trade show for yarn shops, designers, etc. WOW!

This is my first trip to TNNA so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I didn’t plan on buying anything, but I found a few goodies for the shop. Here is a preview of some of them.

Whimsical artwork by Thomas Joseph.

The very cool SideKick, the newest wheel from Schacht Spindle Co. (will be shipped in May).

Ashford’s newest loom, the Katie. This is a great 8-harness loom that comes with a carry-bag. Everything in front is removed or lifts up so you can get right up to the heddles to thread it.

The Unpattern–creating your own pattern based on your favorite sweater.

Unicorn Fibre Scour and Fibre Wash. wpnderful products for getting fleeces and garments clean.

These products and more will  be on the website soon and in the shop within the next couple of weeks.


Lambs in August!

The State Fair is now over. It seemed to consume my life for about 3 weeks. For me State Fair begins with bringing pregnant ewes to the fair. I bred out of season to provide lambs for the State Fair Livestock Nursery that is run by the UCD VMTH (Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital). In March I bred 5 ewes thinking that I might end up with 3 pregnant ewes. Ultrasounds confirmed that all 5 were pregnant!

Mary and lambs

Mary and lambs

The Livestock Nursery is one of the most popular exhibits at the State Fair and new Jacob lambs are always a hit. I ended up with 12 new lambs.

Fun at Black Sheep Gathering

Last Thursday I loaded  9 sheep in the trailer and 5 of us crammed into my pickup with all of our stuff in the back, including my tack box and display racks and boxes of yarn and fiber for the vendor building, and we started for Eugene, Oregon. We met a friend along I-5 and transferred her ewe and ram (Meridian Rocky, originally from me) to my trailer. We made it to Eugene about 6:30 and settled the sheep into the barn.

This was a first visit for my friends to Black Sheep Gathering. I think this is one of my favorite events. Where else can you find sheep (wool sheep at that!) and shopping all under one roof? The atmosphere is laid back and the weather is mild.  And I get to visit with friends that I probably won’t see otherwise. In fact one friend was gracious enough to house all 5 of us at her place!

One of the highlights of the weekend is the Spinners Lead contest. In this contest participants show off their handspun or otherwise handmade pieces and bring the sheep or goat with them in the ring. Click to enlarge this thumbnail. This is me modeling my woven sweater and my sheep modeling her braided Jacob wool halter. I must tell the story about this sweater. I wove 2 blankets of handspun yarn and had a little warp left over. I wove that and thought it would make a great sweater. Not enough! I made another warp and wove enough for sleeves. I cut and sewed the pieces of the sweater together but figured that I could finish the knitted ribbing in Oregon. After all, what else was i going to do? And I didn’t have time before I left. When I sat down to work on the sweater I realized that I hadn’t serged the neck edge and lower edge. At the suggestion of a friend, I found a sewing machine store (Eugene Sewing and Vacuum) and asked if I could use a serger. They let me use it and I ended up finishing the sweater with time to spare! I also made a halter for my lamb out of Jacob sliver that I had braided.

 I was surprised to be awarded third place in the “Animal Owner” category. My friend, Shannon, won first for her felted vest with Jacob sheep and an apple tree needle-felted on the back. This photo shows all of the Jacob entrants. There is a bagpipe cover, 2 shawls, my sweater, Shannon’s vest, and a felted ring-bearer’s pillow carried by Shannon’s 4-year old son wearing his wedding finery.

 bsg 2

The trip was great fun, but the drive home seemed LONG. We got back at 3:30 a.m. I think I’m still catching up on sleep. We came home to smoky conditions. There are fires burning all over California and we can’t even see the hills near Vacaville, let alone the sky.

I am planning on this trip again next year. Anyone up for an adventure?