Bassi Falls

Yesterday it was way too cold and windy at Loon Lake …Loon Lake …for us to enjoy snowshoeing for very long so we drove back down…DSC_1220…to the trail to Bassi Falls at about 5400′ elevation.DSC_1221There wasn’t enough snow to snowshoe but there was no wind and the other signs of winter were still there.DSC_1247 DSC_1268 DSC_1274 DSC_1283 DSC_1291 DSC_1294 DSC_1302 At the base of the falls Meryl and Chris showed off their gymnastic skills.DSC_1317Bassi FallsHere is a group shot where we’re not quite as bundled up as in the previous post. DSC_1199How many people does it take to arrange a dog-only group shot? You can see the result of this in Rusty’s blog after he gets his turn at the computer.Maggie and Ginny Once again, Maggie provide entertainment for Ginny because just hiking isn’t enough for her.GinnyAfter the trauma of the first stop we made, Ginny had a great time on this hike. We all thought that she would be worn out for the day, but it seems that the long car ride was enough to revive her and she wasn’t at all tired last night.