Decisions…This Time it’s a Banner

How much time and energy do you spend making decision? Sometimes it seems overwhelming and it’s often about something trivial.

I’m helping with a new website. I’m not really helping, but being a guinea pig about how it all works for a non-tech person to enter things and helping to find glitches and things that are confusing. Is that a beta-tester? Or do you have to know more to have that title?

There is a place that asks for a banner across the part that will have Meridian Jacobs info. How to decide what photo? Sheep? Weaving? Yarn? The point of the website is to sell things. How do I choose one? The photo needs to fit the banner space. The software will supposedly take the appropriate size piece out of whatever photo you send, but I thought I should start with something the right size. I started with these below. Some were just experimental to see how they would fit the space.

A sheep photo? This is an older photo but I suppose that doesn’t matter as long as the quality of the photo is good enough.

I wanted to try something with more sheep and a background. This is not a good background.

This photo looks a bit washed out–maybe I can adjust that but at this point I was looking for any photo that fit the sheep into the landscape with a bit of horizon.

What about yarn or weaving? I’d sure like to sell blankets. Version 1.

Version 2.

Version 3.

I have a series of these photos that I have always liked.

I have used this photo (full size) a lot because it shows the difference between black and white sheep and lilac sheep. Townes, the lilac on the right, got the tips of the top horns caught in a fence two days ago and I found him dead.

Back to landscape photos. Here is one with a horizon and a lot of sheep and lush grass. The sheep are pregnant and recently shorn.

I walked across the road this morning and had just changed the fences so the sheep have this field near the road. That’s the view I was after. It is a narrow band but it shows sheep and the horizon. I like that this one shows our position in the Sacramento Valley. That notch you see in the hills is where the road goes to Lake Berryessa. Its a landmark for me.

This is a little different cropping of this morning’s photo.

A closer up view makes the sheep and the barn more prominent and removes the white fence on the right but cuts off the trees and my notch on the hills.

Back to yarn. This is what I did the last few days. Indigo on the left and Cosmos and Dahlia on the right.

But maybe I need black and white.

No decision made yet. Any suggestions are welcome…