Cows, Not Sheep

In a previous life I raised cows. When I married Dan he was a partner in a family-owned dairy. My daughter recently asked for photos of Grandma and Grandpa, preferably with cows, so that my 2-1/2 year old granddaughter would have an association with something memorable she looks at pictures of her extended family.


The dairy we worked on was sold several years ago and the cows were moved to Orland. That dairy was sold recently and the milk cows are all gone. There is some young stock left at the home place. These are Milking Shorthorns.


I have always loved this tankhouse. This one has been recently rennovated.


A young bull.






Stuart kept a couple of steers to be trained as oxen. This photo doesn’t show their size because they are standing lower than Stuart. They are huge as were the steers that I had when we first moved here.


More photos from State Fair

I don’t know why my last post didn’t come out like I thought. Because I was falling asleep sitting at the computer? Here is the photo of the Watusi steer.

Watusi steer--and you thought Jacobs had big horns!

Watusi steer--and you thought Jacobs had big horns!

My daughter came home from Texas for a week to help at the fair with my in-laws dairy herd. Katie is on the left and son, Chris, is on the right showing the “Best 3”.
Milking Shorthorn "Best 3"

Milking Shorthorn Best 3

Here's the end of the cow that counts.

Here is the end of the cow that counts.

This is a photo of one of the ewes that lambed at State Fair. Her lambs are bigger now, but this is when they first came home. These are 3 lilac ewe lambs (for sale)!

Lolita and lambs