Christmas, 2018

What a relief to have the lead-up to “the holidays” over. When you’re in a business that counts on sales during one month and those sales are dependent on 1. how many things you are able to make, and 2. how well you market your business, the pace becomes more and more frenetic. So Christmas Day for me was a relief. Work was over. The house was clean (as clean as it gets) and fixed up (after we’ve lived here for almost twenty years and finally replaced floors and some windows.) We had pretty Christmas lights outside. The weather was beautiful. The food was easy to prepare (don’t peel potatoes this year and see how it goes–it went fine). Best of all family was here (except missing the TX branch).

Here are snapshot photos of the day.IMG_1484Matt brought his drone.DJI_0025The sheep have been in the barn and corral area for the last month because the pasture is soggy and I’m waiting for the grass to get some growth, but I set up the fence to let them out onto part of it for the day.PANO0003-2The drone gives us a great view of the property. There is a video taken with the drone on my website.

DSC_5531We opened gifts. I bought Dan a series of used books that are by author Stan Lynde. Our last name is unusual and we had found a book by this author on our most recent road trip. Dan got about half way into it and found that pages 140-180 were repeated and 180 to 120 were missing. When I looked into replacing the book I found that the author was dead, his publishing company no longer existed, and that there were about 7 or 8 books in the series. So I hunted them all down and wrapped up the Stan Lynde books for Dan Lynde.IMG_1455Dan made DIL, Meryl, a marker for her parking spot to reflect her new job as an Orange Theory coach. IMG_1477My daughter sent us all aprons embellished by the grandkids. IMG_1456Time for getting dinner in the oven. Chris, mac and cheese lover that he is, has become a cream sauce expert.DJI_0051While dinner was cooking we went out for another drone session…DJI_0038…and a family photo. IMG_1497Dinner on the table.IMG_1501We may have started a new tradition with a game from Santa. It’s a card game based on the old computer game, The Oregon Trail, that my kids loved to play years ago. IMG_1503You can play with up to six players so we created teams so that all 11 of us could play. We may study the rules between now and the next time we play. Our wagon team eventually all died–there may be better strategy than we used. IMG_1511After pies (pumpkin and apple) we moved onto a game my niece has on her phone. IMG_1518Trying to get my brother to guess Valley Girl.IMG_1514A lively time was had by all.DSC_5516And to all a good night.

Visiting Texas – Day 5 to 6

Continuing the family visit/road trip to Texas…Day 4 is here.

IMG_3843               On the fifth day of our visit we took a field trip to Cabella’s. There is plenty of entertainment even if you don’t go for the shopping. We started with the aquarium.

IMG_3850           There are rooms full of animals.

IMG_3853              There are spectacular horns on these and other sheep. By the time we finished eating and shopping it was getting dark and we headed to Wimberly for the Trail of Lights.

IMG_3862         Dozens of local businesses and families light and decorate the gardens of the 12-acre EmilyAnn Theater & Garden. This is an annual event and a major fundraiser for the theater.



Dan and Matt and I had planned to leave on Sunday for Part 2 of our Texas vacation.


First, a few more photos of cute grandkids. Actually I was trying to get a photo of a baby with a handwoven baby blanket that is part of a project I am working on. This baby is a little too mobile for that to be easy to do.

2017-12-TX-284          Containing him worked a little better.

IMG_3919                We had the truck loaded and I asked nicely made everyone stand in one place for a group photo. This is the only one of all of us together during this trip.

IMG_3926            About 10 am. Dan and Matt and I got in the truck and headed for Big Bend National Park, about seven hours away.

2017-12-TX-303             Here the Chisos Mountains rise out of the desert. The park entrance is at an elevation of 2848′  and the peaks rise to over 7800′. Our camp the first night was at 5400′ which meant that there was still snow from the storm which had come through.

2017-12-TX-302               We got there towards dusk and found a campsite just as it was getting dark.

To be continued…

Visiting Texas – Day 4 (more)

Being out in the snow can be exhausting.2017-12-TX-180                  Kasen slept while…

IMG_3809                                               Kirby helped make pink pancakes.

IMG_3812                                               Then the big kids went for a run. Two of them tried the baby jogger but that wasn’t going to work. Instead they took the real kids in the jogger.

In the afternoon we took a drive to Hamilton Pool Preserve and hiked the short trail to the pool. The area is now owned by Travis County which, in the 1980’s, “implemented an aggressive land management plan to restore Hamilton Pool” after years of unregulated recreational use by the public, grazing, etc.

2017-12-TX-188                 The trail continues around the pool behind those rocks.

2017-12-TX-194           Public access is restricted by use permit from June through September.

IMG_3818                  I can imagine what a popular site this would be in the summer and being only about 20 miles from Austin.


2017-12-TX-197               This is the view looking out over the pool. 2017-12-TX-187                   Water drips from the ledge above. 2017-12-TX-205


2017-12-TX-227           Someone didn’t read the sign.

2017-12-TX-214                                                                  I remember well that as nice as it is to get out and see beautiful country it’s not exactly relaxing when you are keeping track of a toddler.


Water. Rocks. Bushes. Hazards everywhere.

2017-12-TX-253                                                              When we got back to the parking lot they both still had plenty of energy to burn off.


IMG_3838               Back home having dinner.

Visiting Texas – Day 4

I finished the last post with it snowing on Thursday evening. This is a rare event in this part of Texas and the fact that the snow stuck around through the next day was even more rare. It made for an all new landscape to photograph.

2017-12-TX-23              The view from the back walkway.

2017-12-TX-29         There is the decorated tree just inside the gate on the right.

2017-12-TX-28      Everyone else was still in bed but I went for a walk up the road as the sun was coming over the hills.







2017-12-TX-117                  I got back to the house and checked inside the truck. Dan had chosen to drive to Texas instead of flying. He says, now that he has retired, “everyday is Saturday” and he preferred to throw a road trip into the plans. He had left five days before I did and spent time hiking and camping along the way. He met me at the airport in Austin on Tuesday. Now that all the kids were at the house we had to spread out with sleeping arrangements and he decided to continue with the camping mode and sleep in the truck.

2017-12-TX-120                                               Eventually everyone else came out into the snow.

2017-12-TX-127                     Kirby started a snowman with the help of…

2017-12-TX-122                                                       …Uncle Matt…

2017-12-TX-131                      …and Aunt Meryl.



2017-12-TX-151                  I love these kids.


And these kids too.

Visiting Texas – Days 1-3

I just spent a week in Texas on a trip was part family visit and part mini-Road Trip. I hadn’t seen the grandkids since July and at their ages (3-1/2 and almost 1) that is a long time and a lot of changes.

IMG_3703              We changed planes in L.A. Wildfires had started burning a few days before this trip and  this is a view of the smoke from two fires blowing out over the ocean. We soon left that behind but even now there are fires raging in S. California. December! Here in N. CA we’ve had one good rain in November and nothing since. But that’s a topic for another post.

2017-12-TX-1                                                                  I got there Tuesday night. Kirby and I went out the next morning. She showed me her chickens and we collected eggs.

IMG_3717                  She showed me the tree near the front gate that she and her mom had decorated.2017-12-TX-10


IMG_3706              We walked down the road…

2017-12-TX-3              …and I didn’t know until this point that her ladybug boots have holes in them.

2017-12-TX-5                  I have been told that Santa is taking care of that.

2017-12-TX-2              We looked at decorations on other properties.


IMG_3708               Eventually Kirby got tired of being the subject of photos.

IMG_3724                 A picnic lunch after the walk.

2017-12-TX-12              We have another cutie in Texas as well.

2017-12-TX-14                  I spent last Christmas there when he was only a few days old.

IMG_3737           Brother and sister get along well.


2017-12-TX-15     Thursday afternoon it began to snow.

2017-12-TX-17                                                          Kirby spent some time outside before it got dark.


The plan was that the big kids would spend the evening at a dance hall in the town of Gruene. (Chris & Meryl had flown out with me but stayed in Austin for a couple of days, and Matt flew into Austin on Thursday.) Katie and Kurtis went to pick all of them up but the traffic was so snarled with the unexpected snow and the roads were icy so they all came home instead. So I had almost all my kids (unfortunately one DIL had recent surgery that prevented her from flying) together for a few days of holiday time.

The Main Event

The girls were beautiful, the guys were dressed (see last post), and it was time for the wedding. After enjoying sunny skies at the beginning of the week we were a bit concerned about the weather forecast. The prediction changed daily whether or not it would be partly sunny, partly cloudy, or mostly cloudy, and whether there was a 10% or 50% chance of rain, and would that rain come Friday or hold off until Saturday.IMG_1408

I don’t have photos of the actual procession or ceremony but there are plenty on Facebook now. The classic has to be when, after trying to get Flower Girl #2 (Kirby) to walk up the short aisle, Daddy carried her down the aisle spreading flowers from Kirby’s basket as he went.


It was a beautiful ceremony with a beautiful couple. Afterwards there were all the official photos.


Kirby was willing to be included in these…well, sort of. She was focused on picking up all the flower petals.


My kids and their spouses.




While the wedding party was busy with photos guests played games and used the photobooth. Dinner was served. Chris pointed out that his family sat at Tables 1 & 2 and the other 14 or so were Meryl’s family (and other friends). His point was that he was glad to become part of such a large family. But the practical aspect of that turned out to be that Tables 1 through 4 had been served dinner and then the huge dark clouds that we had been watching come in from the northwest let loose. The rain was intense and everyone made for the house, which was supposed to be for only the bridal party and not all the guests and certainly not for food. (Later the owner of the venue told us that she made an exception because of how pleasant, responsible, and easy-to-work-with our kids and their friends had all been.)


As thunderstorms do, this one passed, leaving things wet and soggy. Chairs were wiped off and the festivities continued, albeit cold and windy. (I had loaded the car with blankets and jackets in anticipation.)

DSC_9708 DSC_9697

Kirby (or her parents) had the foresight to bring appropriate clothing in case of rain.


A little rain didn’t stop the dancing.

DSC_9685 DSC_9688

Kirby took her Dad to the dance floor.




Chris’ new grandma was given a seat at the bridal party table.


Speeches were made.


The cake(s), made by a special friend, were cut. Chris wanted chocolate and Meryl wanted white. So there were three cakes, one with a big C and a Starwars quote (“I love you…I know”), one with a big M and a Harry Potter quote (“Always”), and a marbled cake to cut together.


The storm had made for perfect conditions for photos…IMG_1495

…including those at sunset.

These are just a sampling of the photos that I took, but there are so many more taken by friends and family to help us remember this wonderful occasion. I’ve seen hundreds on Facebook already–isn’t the digital age wonderful when used in this way?

Getting Ready

Getting ready for a wedding. The kids worked for  for months on this…and that included having to change venues, due to no fault of their own, six weeks prior to the wedding. Then it was the day before.

IMG_1288Chris built one 8-foot and two 10-foot tables for the use of the wedding party. He also made assorted game pieces and a very cool guest sign-in board.DSC_9630Chris getting advice from his sister.DSC_9604More advice. Stout tables.DSC_9578Some of the bridal party who helped the day before. They were all there–what a great group of friends Chris and Meryl share.DSC_9610Table inspection by the resident cat…DSC_9634…who, having done his (her?) job, needed a nap.IMG_1311Wedding rehearsal. I didn’t get all the guys in the photo because I was seated in my mother-of-the-groom chair.DSC_9599The girls minus the bride.

Kirby was there also. She was a bit worried when Uncle Matt put her purple Crocs on his feet, but she recovered quickly once she got them back. Do you know how many more cute photos there are of Kirby? But I’ll restrain myself.IMG_1314Meryl’s parents hosted a dinner the night before the wedding and here are my three beautiful daughters!