Family Here for Christmas

The best gift of all is having my family around. Not all could come, but here are photos of the start of the holiday week.

Chris and Meryl got here on Saturday afternoon along with dogs and cats. Meryl went to visit her mom, and Chris and the dogs stretched out on the couch at our house.

Ginny is not supposed to get on the couch but Finn and Sawyer don’t have that restriction. Notice that they are all focused on the tennis ball that Finn dropped on Dan’s chest.

Finn and Sawyer feel right at home.

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen these photos. Chris and Meryl were away for the first night and the cats stayed in the other house, where they used to live before moving to Bosie. I went to check on them and found one, but went back three times to find Luke. Do you see a cat in this picture?

Now do you see him? I finally found Luke when he jumped onto the refrigerator. Later he retreated again and I took the photo.

Chris and I took all the dogs on a walk Across the Road. Do we seem a bit mismatched from the standpoint of clothing? Our mid-50’s/60’s felt warm to Chris.

All three dogs like to run after the ball. The goal is to get them tired out.

On Christmas afternoon we went for another walk and Meryl joined us. People dump things along some of these dirt roads. When I find something metal I bring it home for Dan because he plans to weld something artistic one of these days. Usually it is rusted bolt or something they fell off a tractor. We found this in the dirt and thought it was a good gift for Dan.

Tonight’s excitement is that Kirby, age 9, flew to Sacramento from Texas today. She will stay with Uncle Matt and Aunt Kaleena for a few days and will then be here for until January 1.

More with Texas Grandkids

One post just wasn’t enough for the grandkid photos.

Kirby has a great egg-collecting apron.

I think the trampoline is one of the best investments Katie and Kurtis have made. The baby is contained and having fun while Kirby can also work off energy with mom. And how nice to walk outside your door and have this without having to take the kids to town.

DSC_0152                   It seems that nightgowns are also good workout attire (see last post).


IMG_4970           After a strenuous workout it’s hard to stay awake for lunch.IMG_4973

IMG_5006        Wearing the unicorn hat she got for Christmas. Yes, there is a unicorn horn and mane on the back of this.

Another day’s activities include toenail painting, chasing your brother with a bucket on your head, more trampoline jumping, and the “Baby” dolls that I made for the kids.

IMG_5034            This time Kasen fell asleep before he made it to the high chair.

IMG_5039               When one goes to sleep sometimes its worth going on a walk so that the other will take a nap without an argument.

Sweet dreams, sweet kids!

Texas Grandkids

Lambing has just started and will quickly take over my life for the next few weeks, but first I want to share the photos of the cutest grandkids ever. I spent six days in visiting in Texas. If you come to this blog to see travel photos or farm photos or weaving photos, sorry. This post is all about grandkids.

My daughter went to work Friday morning and the 13-month old went to daycare so that I could do something with Kirby (3-1/2). I let her pick out her outfit and she chose this dress. Later I realized that it was a nightgown “dress” but, oh well, what’s wrong with going to the zoo in your nightgown?

IMG_4911             Jacob sheep at the Austin Zoo. This zoo is a rescue/animal sanctuary zoo. All of the animals were seized in animal cruelty cases, retired from other facilities, individual exotic pets that needed rehoming, retired lab research animals, etc. DSC_0082              Kirby didn’t want to see the lions or tigers, but I thought that this was a rather intimidating photo (not so much the tiger photo but the little girl in front of the giant tiger).

IMG_4928                                           Building a lego tower with flowers on top.

The next day Katie stayed home and I kept up with Kasen so Katie could work on things outside.

One of those projects was helping Kirby make a “fairy garden” using statues and other “garden art” that her recently deceased great-grandmother wanted her to have. That included outlining the area with rocks, some of which Kirby painted. Note that a nightgown dress is suitable attire for yard work as well as a zoo trip. Just add rubber boots.

DSC_0125          Singing Disney tunes.


So as to not overwhelm you with too much cuteness in one post I will write another with the next batch of photos!

Visiting Texas – Days 1-3

I just spent a week in Texas on a trip was part family visit and part mini-Road Trip. I hadn’t seen the grandkids since July and at their ages (3-1/2 and almost 1) that is a long time and a lot of changes.

IMG_3703              We changed planes in L.A. Wildfires had started burning a few days before this trip and  this is a view of the smoke from two fires blowing out over the ocean. We soon left that behind but even now there are fires raging in S. California. December! Here in N. CA we’ve had one good rain in November and nothing since. But that’s a topic for another post.

2017-12-TX-1                                                                  I got there Tuesday night. Kirby and I went out the next morning. She showed me her chickens and we collected eggs.

IMG_3717                  She showed me the tree near the front gate that she and her mom had decorated.2017-12-TX-10


IMG_3706              We walked down the road…

2017-12-TX-3              …and I didn’t know until this point that her ladybug boots have holes in them.

2017-12-TX-5                  I have been told that Santa is taking care of that.

2017-12-TX-2              We looked at decorations on other properties.


IMG_3708               Eventually Kirby got tired of being the subject of photos.

IMG_3724                 A picnic lunch after the walk.

2017-12-TX-12              We have another cutie in Texas as well.

2017-12-TX-14                  I spent last Christmas there when he was only a few days old.

IMG_3737           Brother and sister get along well.


2017-12-TX-15     Thursday afternoon it began to snow.

2017-12-TX-17                                                          Kirby spent some time outside before it got dark.


The plan was that the big kids would spend the evening at a dance hall in the town of Gruene. (Chris & Meryl had flown out with me but stayed in Austin for a couple of days, and Matt flew into Austin on Thursday.) Katie and Kurtis went to pick all of them up but the traffic was so snarled with the unexpected snow and the roads were icy so they all came home instead. So I had almost all my kids (unfortunately one DIL had recent surgery that prevented her from flying) together for a few days of holiday time.

Visiting Grandkids

I just spent a week in Texas with my daughter’s family. The kids are 6 months and almost three. Here are some photos.


Kasen is not crawling yet, but almost. Right now you can put him in one place and he doesn’t  get far. I give it about two weeks and he’ll be on the move.


Who needs a pool when a bowl will do? Kirby’s horses are in that bowl too.


Wearing one of her Princess dresses and reading to her baby who is in the shopping cart.


After we built the tallest tower.


Concentrating on making letters using Mommy’s special crayons.


Yummy carrots. Dinner aftermath.


Bath time.


At Jump Wild, an indoor “trampoline park and bounce house”. It didn’t take Kirby long to warm up to the idea of jumping and then, of course, she didn’t want to leave.


The family at the 4th of July parade.

Puddle Jumping

Someone is making the best of the rainy day.


We went to the barn to see the sheep and get out of the house. Jade is the only sheep who will approach a little person without the bribe of a bucket of grain.


I stood under the roof and out of the rain and watched Kirby…


…run back and forth.



dsc_6358Contemplating the Really Big Puddle.




The sheep weren’t thrilled about all this activity by the little pink person.




By the time we got back to the house I figured that a little more water really didn’t matter. So Kirby ran through the lake that was our driveway until she’d had enough. Tonight it is still raining.

More Grandkid Photos

I’ve been so focused on #1 family visiting and #2 trying to get my new website up that I haven’t done much else. I did have a request for more cute grandkid photos though and since cute lambs haven’t arrived yet, here they are. (Not that I’d show cute lamb photos to the exclusion of cute grandkid photos. I’d just have to fit both in.)


Here is what greeted me on Valentines’s Day.


We planted them together.


For the first several days of Kirby’s visit the sun was out and things started to dry out.


We were still wearing boots to the barn, but didn’t have to tromp through as much mud.


Aunt Meryl manages a gymnastics club and there is an Open Gym hour on Wednesdays, in addition to a Wednesday morning Mommy and Me class.


Kirby went to both and loved it.


Gathering eggs from the chicken house.


It’s best if she carries just one.


It started raining again so there were puddles.


Not to forget that there is another grandchild visiting. He just doesn’t spend as much time at the barn.


Visiting Texas

I haven’t been to Texas since last year, but that’s because we saw my granddaughter several times last winter and spring in California. It was time for me to see her again and to do that I had to travel east. She is now two.


While Mommy painted the shed we went for a walk.



Time to take off the shoes.


The low water crossing on the road.


What better place to play on a hot day.


Hugging Colby.


Yesterday we went to the Comal County Fair.


This morning I said that we’d go for a walk in the rain. Kirby started to pack. You never know when you’ll need a stuffed llama, a cup of milk, or a bunch of books.


It had rained enough during the early morning hours that the water had risen too high for playing.


We turned and walked up the road the other way.


Well, one of us walked and the other rode most of the way.

The Main Event

The girls were beautiful, the guys were dressed (see last post), and it was time for the wedding. After enjoying sunny skies at the beginning of the week we were a bit concerned about the weather forecast. The prediction changed daily whether or not it would be partly sunny, partly cloudy, or mostly cloudy, and whether there was a 10% or 50% chance of rain, and would that rain come Friday or hold off until Saturday.IMG_1408

I don’t have photos of the actual procession or ceremony but there are plenty on Facebook now. The classic has to be when, after trying to get Flower Girl #2 (Kirby) to walk up the short aisle, Daddy carried her down the aisle spreading flowers from Kirby’s basket as he went.


It was a beautiful ceremony with a beautiful couple. Afterwards there were all the official photos.


Kirby was willing to be included in these…well, sort of. She was focused on picking up all the flower petals.


My kids and their spouses.




While the wedding party was busy with photos guests played games and used the photobooth. Dinner was served. Chris pointed out that his family sat at Tables 1 & 2 and the other 14 or so were Meryl’s family (and other friends). His point was that he was glad to become part of such a large family. But the practical aspect of that turned out to be that Tables 1 through 4 had been served dinner and then the huge dark clouds that we had been watching come in from the northwest let loose. The rain was intense and everyone made for the house, which was supposed to be for only the bridal party and not all the guests and certainly not for food. (Later the owner of the venue told us that she made an exception because of how pleasant, responsible, and easy-to-work-with our kids and their friends had all been.)


As thunderstorms do, this one passed, leaving things wet and soggy. Chairs were wiped off and the festivities continued, albeit cold and windy. (I had loaded the car with blankets and jackets in anticipation.)

DSC_9708 DSC_9697

Kirby (or her parents) had the foresight to bring appropriate clothing in case of rain.


A little rain didn’t stop the dancing.

DSC_9685 DSC_9688

Kirby took her Dad to the dance floor.




Chris’ new grandma was given a seat at the bridal party table.


Speeches were made.


The cake(s), made by a special friend, were cut. Chris wanted chocolate and Meryl wanted white. So there were three cakes, one with a big C and a Starwars quote (“I love you…I know”), one with a big M and a Harry Potter quote (“Always”), and a marbled cake to cut together.


The storm had made for perfect conditions for photos…IMG_1495

…including those at sunset.

These are just a sampling of the photos that I took, but there are so many more taken by friends and family to help us remember this wonderful occasion. I’ve seen hundreds on Facebook already–isn’t the digital age wonderful when used in this way?