Hug a Sheep Day

Hug a Sheep Day was last Saturday. We had beautiful weather for it and I did brisk sales in the shop. I was so busy that even though I took my wheel and fiber outside I never had a chance to sit at it. I also didn’t get many photos. We always like to do a group photo but I didn’t even do that until almost everyone had left. This is it for photos!DSC_4527Jade is our most in-your-face (but in a good way) sheep.IMG_0541Trista is next.DSC_4542We had a lot of people earlier in the day but these are the hard-core sheep huggers who was left at the end.

Hug a Sheep Day

Hug a Sheep Day originated a few years ago at Punkin’s Patch and we think its a great idea! We were a little concerned with the forecast (rain from midnight through noon, then clearing). We went ahead with plans and didn’t see rain all day.  In fact the sun came out and the welcome rain from the previous week had cleared the sky, washed away the dust, and started the grass growing. Beautiful!


Farm Club friends came early and helped set up pens and find the huggable sheep. Jade will follow you anywhere for a chin scratch.


Jazz likes those scratches too.


This is Jade and Jazz both lined up for attention.


Jazz is probably the most huggable sheep here.



Spinners enjoyed the wonderful weather and the camaraderie.


Alison is wearing her handspun 4-ply Jacob vest. Notice the very cool felt Christmas stocking in the background. Jackie was here with her Sheep-to-Shop booth but I didn’t get good photos of that.


Claire is a friend I’ve known since we were in college in Davis in the 70’s.


I kind of like this photo because it shows a lot about the marketing of a small sheep farm. Alison and Stephany are both Farm Club members, Alison is wearing yarn from the fleece she bought several years ago, Stephany is knitting more yarn, and she bought a skull, and of course there is the sheep ready to be shorn again in a few months.


At the end of the day we decided there should be a group hug, although I realize now that this was more of a group picture than a group hug.


Next year we’ll make sure we all get in on the hug part.

Celebrate Hug a Sheep Day

Yes, it is Hug a Sheep Day and we’ll be celebrating it here at the farm. Anyone can join us. So that those of you who have never hugged a sheep can get a feel for this I thought I’d share some sheep hugging photos.DSC_5722



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DSC_5736The photos above are all of Farm Club members. If you join Farm Club you will have plenty of sheep hugging opportunities.IMG_3512My granddaughter on a visit out here last spring.DSC_1625 This is another cute kid, the age my granddaughter is now, at Fiber Fusion.DSC_4178 Chickens deserve hugs too.Goat kids 2006 - 1 And baby goats. Now we’re getting into the archives. This is my son about 10 years ago.IMG_5667 Another sheep hug.Running with the lambs Running with sheep.Settle girls and lambs I love this photo. A couple of these girls are in college now.Kids sleeping at fairWhile I was searching photos I found this one. Doesn’t have to do with hugging sheep, but it’s two of my kids waking up in the dairy barn at the State Fair back in my dairy cow days.Steph kids1-2006 My mom drying off a newly born kid.TinaBut today will be all about hugging sheep.