
Still trying for that perfect lamb photo. There are either too many lambs in the background/foreground, there is not enough light (lambs love to run around at dusk),  there is a lot of clutter in the shot, or I am still not in the right place at the right time.DSC_4013“Fight, fight!”DSC_4016It’s never too young to start.









I started the last post with a photo of my “lambing board” with two entries. It’s full now…IMG_3286…and there is overflow onto another board. I have 72 lambs with 3 more ewes to lamb.  Celeste lambed this morning.Celeste and 15071-15072 (1) These lambs are #71 and 72.celeste and lamb 15072 (1) DSC_3496 Most of the others are in the field.DSC_3558 DSC_3562 DSC_3572 DSC_3602 DSC_3636 PetraThat’s no lamb. That’s Puddleduck Petra coming to the barn. You can meet these lambs at our spring open house, Meet the Sheep, Saturday, April 4.

Photographic Challenges

This is the year that I am determined to get those perfect jumping lamb photos. I have posted some others here and in other posts. I welcome any advice from you photographers out there. My lens info is at the end of this post. DSC_0082 Too darn many lambs in the way.DSC_0093The lambs are most active in the evening when there is lower light. I am shooting with a larger aperture and therefore more shallow depth of field. Notice the lamb in focus is not the one that is jumping. In addition, those black lambs are hard to photograph in detail.

DSC_0092 More lambs in the way. DSC_0095Lambs in the way AND depth of field issues.DSC_0097 Same problems.DSC_0101 And more lambs in the way.DSC_0114 Focal length issues again.DSC_0115 Lambs facing the wrong way.DSC_0159 Focal length and shutter speed issues.DSC_0167 I think I got this one on depth of field. Too bad the lamb is facing the wrong way.DSC_0179 Sort of OK but needs a faster shutter speed to really get it. Also the black one lying down is distracting.DSC_0180 This photo probably has the fewest issues.DSC_0194The running lamb photos have similar challenges. These photos were all taken with my Nikon 40 mm f 2/8 lens to take advantage of the larger aperture but that gives me the more shallow depth of field. My other lens is the 18-135 mm f/3.5-5.6. Any recommendations?