My first needle felting

I have two friends who do needle felting, but until recently I hadn’t tried. Do a I really need another project to finish? When I shared a booth with Shannon (see link for Kenleigh Acres at right) at OFFF I was intrigued by some kits that she was selling. I am now carrying these in my shop because I think they are so cute.  Here is my first attempt at 3-D needle felting:


I was amazed at how easy this is–not that it is easy to master completely, but the whole process is easy to learn. And it’s amazing how you can “sculpt” the wool to shape it and add detail. I think I’m hooked.

So while I sat at the Farmers Market this morning for 4 hours I made two friends for my first bunny:


If you don’t look too closely you won’t realize that the next two bunnies might have turned into sheep before they got the long ears.

I have these kits on my website now, although I don’t have the write-ups complete. But you can see the variety of kits there are. What is cool is that once you have learned to do one of them you realize that you can really make anything you want to!