Wheelbarrow or Chariot?

I wrote this post about wheelbarrows a couple of weeks ago. I ended by saying that the last photo would deserve it’s own post.

We moved to our farm in the summer of1999 and these photos were taken in the spring of 2000, That is Katie and her friends painting the cart that was to become The Chariot in preparation for the 6th grade Roman Days.

That’s Katie in front and good friends, Camilla and Morgan, with younger brother Chris in the background.

This will be interesting for any of you who know the farm. That barn in the background is the old barn that is where the lambing area is now–between the current big red barn and the stall barn. The yellow building to the left of the old barn is the concrete part of the ram pen that is now behind the big red barn and covered by the shade.

The girls practiced their chariot race in front of my mom’s house which was across the street from the high school where the activities would be held.

Chariots lined up and ready to go.

Camilla was to ride in the chariot and is dressed in her finery. I don’t know who the boys in front are, but they show up in some of the next photos.

It looks like Katie and one of the boys took the role of the horses for at least one run.

This photo shows two of the boys pulling the chariot. I suppose there weren’t enough chariots to go around and they shared.

Fast forward 24 years. Here is the chariot in its current state. Dan uses it to hold tools when he needs to take them from the garage to somewhere else. We have plenty of old bicycles around from which to steal parts. Too bad that he removed one of the best additions to the chariot before I took this photo. For a couple of years there was a pink flamingo mounted somewhere on it, but I it got wobbly and Dan took it off. If it reappears I’ll take another photo.