Leash it!

I’m trying to figure out a name for my new product. This is the one that is going to make my fortune. Well, maybe not…but it involves yarn and it’s fun to do. These are the leashes I’ve been working on. I think I still need to do something about some of the tassels and beads to neaten them up. My original idea was to splice the ends, but that would involve learning something else and a lot of time and then I wouldn’t have an excuse to go buy beads.

rope handles-small

rope clips-small

There is a member-screening at the Artery’s Annual Meeting this weekend and I’ve been planning to get these ropes done so I could take them to the screening. I also need to finish some more buttons.

I’m back to the loom–trying to weave off the warp that I put on before I broke my arm in January. This is a baby blanket warp on the AVL.

BB warp-purple

This blanket is still on the loom. Purple enough?

BB on loom-purple

These will be listed for sale on my website soon I hope.