The Latest from the Loom

In preparation for Fibershed’s Grow Your Jeans event I wove six shawls using locally grown Timm Ranch wool yarn.  DSC_0099 I showed photos of these before they were washed in this blog post. Quite a dramatic change.DSC_0107 With the exception of the second blanket the weft is all the same as the warp, but naturally dyed.  From left to right: Osage orange (exhaust), Jacob wool, osage orange, black walnut, pomegranate, not dyed. DSC_0120 One shawl will be worn in the fashion show and they will all be for sale at Grow Your Jeans.  After that they will be for sale  at the Fibershed Marketplace website and at the Artery in Davis.932-3, 932-1, 932-2More locally grown wool. These scarves are woven using Solano County Anderson Ranch wool.DSC_0143 Not locally gown, but one of my best sellers–chenille scarves. 911-1, 911-2You’ve seen this before but I hadn’t taken a photo with the magazine cover.DSC_0167Here’s is one of my photoshoot locations. Hard to find a smooth surface in the shade.

Close to Home…Post #8 – Fiber Confections

I raise black and white sheep and my friend, Colleen, raises brown sheep so between us we have all the natural colors. I used some of her wool in my show at the Artery. If you’re just starting to read these posts go back to this one to read about the concept of this show.

I don’t have the sheep photo I used in the show because I borrowed the print from Colleen…CVM…but this one shows the distinctive color pattern on the face.

The story: Colleen Simon got her first sheep about 15 years ago. Since then her spinning and sheep raising hobby has evolved into a fiber business. She keeps about 20 ewes of varying shades of tan and brown and markets their wool as roving and yarn at the Davis Farmers Market. Colleen is an expert felter and creates felted hats and embellishments from her fiber. She sells her creations at the Farmers Market as well as at local festivals and Grand Hand in Napa. Lambs are sold to Superior Farms in Dixon.

Colleen’s flock is a blend of fine-wooled Romeldale, CVM, and colored Merino sheep. The Romeldale is a rare breed that was developed in California in the early 1900’s. Breeding long-wool Romney and fine-wool Rambouillet sheep resulted in a breed with heavy fleeces of very soft wool. The CVM or California Variegated Mutant is a not-so-appealing name of the colored variant of the Romeldale that has a multi-colored brown fleece and “badger-face” markings. The wool is very soft and measures 20.6 to 25 microns.

Colleen lives about a mile from me and we have shared sheep and fiber adventures for years. We make a good team because my flock grows black and white wool and hers grows brown wool so between us we have all the natural colors.CVM yarn (1)Some of the beautiful shades of wool used in the shawls below.

860-2, 860-3-AWB Shawl detail Artery 2014 Detail of the shawl on the left. 

Shawl detail

Detail of the show on the right. I also wove two plaid shawls that are in the show but I don’t have photos of those. The photos below are of soft CVM scarves.

CVM scarf CVM scarf CVM scarf Colleen took this photo of sheep in her field.


Close to Home…Post #4

Another flock represented in my current show at The Artery is The Timm Ranch north of Vacaville.Timm Ranch eweHere is their story:

The Timm Ranch is north of Vacaville on the east side of the Vaca Mountains. Susan Timm’s grandfather bought the ranch in the early 1900’s and, although much of the ranch is leased to a cattle rancher, Susan runs about 85 ewes there. Lambs are born in the fall and sold to individual customers and to Chuck’s Custom Slaughter of Dixon.

Susan’s father started with Targhee sheep and then added Polypay and Rambouillet rams to the flock. Susan’s sheep are descendants of this blend of breeds and produce a fine, soft wool.

I took home about 65 pounds from last spring’s shearing (average fiber diameter of 23.5 microns). After pre-washing (soaking and draining in cold water) to reduce weight I shipped 39 pounds to Zeilinger’s Wool Mill in Michigan, one of the few mills in the U.S. that can accommodate fine wool in small quantities. They washed, carded and spun the wool into 30 pounds of 2-ply fingering yarn.

The yarn comes back from Zeilinger’s unfinished (no final washing) on cones. Washing the yarn or the finished weaving results in a seemingly magical transformation from what looks like string into soft, lofty yarn.DSC_2969 The ewes after shearing.DSC_2987 Fleeces that I took home.Timm Ranch wool Samples for micron testing.Timm Ranch woolYarn on cone and skeined. I wove a warp with six throws.Timm Ranch Timm Ranch Timm Ranch Timm Ranch Timm Ranch Timm Ranch Timm RanchThe brown yarns are dyed with black walnut and the yellow is osage orange. Both of those plants grow across the road. I also wove shawls.894-1 & 894-3 Timm RanchThese are a 16-shaft huck.

The meaning of WWW

To my friends  it means Weekly Weaving Workshop. It is usually the Wednesday Weaving Workshop, but is sometimes on Friday. I have had a request for an evening group. Is that  EWWW? Maybe not.

Modeling three circle shawls. The one in the middle is the prototype that Diane brought a year ago. We analyzed the fabric construction and the design of the piece, after which Chris and I both wove shawls. Check out the back of these shawls:

Yesterday’s WWW was truly Wonderful–soaking up the January sun and talking about our favorite pastime!

Maybe I’ll change the name to WX4= Wonderful Wacky Weaving Women.