A Walk in the Woods

This morning I drove to my son’s house in El Dorado County to work on some computer issues. When there was a break in the rain we drove a short distance to Bridal Veil Picnic Area on the South Fork of the American River to take the dogs for a walk.


I just used my iPhone for photos because I didn’t want to deal with the other camera in the rain  so it’s hard to see Kirin in this shot. He’s way out in the river swiming back with a tennis ball. That’s Sam nearer the shore and Ginny trying to decide about the river. Ginny isn’t use to going on walks without the focus of The Toy or The Ball.


This Ball was Kirin’s and it wouldn’t have been smart for Ginny to compete for it.


Eventually though I took one ball and when Kirin was distracted in one direction Ginny got to go for the ball in another. I didn’t want to throw it too far out in the river because #1, I wasn’t sure how far she would go out to get it and #2, we weren’t sure if she could handle the current if she did go out farther.


She did get plenty of ball time on the trail.


The people were looking at things besides tennis balls.







We spent about an hour and needed to get back to the house.


What a beautiful interlude. The rain makes everything look and smell so clean and fresh.

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