Marilyn’s Fleece

Marilyn is one of seven lambs that I kept from the 2013 lambing season.Hot LIps and 3007Here she is with her mom, Hot Lips.30071st place ewe lamb 3007 Marilyn was my choice to take to Black Sheep Gathering last year where she won her class. (Hot Lips was Champion Jacob Ewe at BSG when I took her there!)Marilyn 13007 leftHere she is at 9 months old last fall. When Farm Club members chose their fleeces “on the hoof” I put my name on Marilyn’s.Shearing MarilynShearing Day.DSC_7448 Marilyn’s fleece looks brown, but those are sunbleached tips.DSC_7429 This is what her fleece looks like from the cut side. Isn’t it gorgeous?DSC_7521 Detail of the staples.DSC_9047 Last week I carded Marilyn’s fleece on my Clemes & Clemes electric drum carder.

DSC_9056  Here are the batts ready to spin. Hopefully there will be a post before too long in which I’ll have photos of finished yarn and a project. To be continued…

Shearing Day

Sunday was Shearing Day and we sheared 71 sheep (61 ewes and 10 rams and wethers). I said “we”. Not really “we”, but John, my fabulous shearer. The sheep looked great, the fleece looked great and he finished shearing in two and a half hours! Shearing was finished by 11:30.DSC_6831Here are sheep ready to be shorn.DSC_6800Clover.DSC_6805Mary.

Shearing Miller

John started with the rams…DSC_6818…and moved on to ewes.

Farm Club members were the other wonderful helpers who made it all work.DSC_6764 Alison spent the morning at the skirting table explaining skirting and helping buyers skirt their fleeces.DSC_6767 DSC_6812DSC_6958Shelby and Gynna were our sheep wranglers, making sure that there was always another sheep for John to shear.DSC_6773 DSC_6776 Mary and Carol bagged fleeces while Anna swept and Jackie worked the exit gate.DSC_6783 Linda weighed and recorded fleeces.   Other members helped too but I didn’t get photos.DSC_6884What would shearing day be without chili…DSC_6885…and Dona’s brownies (and Lisa’s Jacob sheep cookies, Jackie’s corn biscuits, Mary’s wonderful tangy chicken and fancy rice krispie treats and more).DSC_6902After shearing the sheep look so much thinner. This photo looks as though it was stretched vertically, but it wasn’t.DSC_6826    Lila.DSC_6891 Cascade.DSC_6894 Gynna with fleece

Gynna looks happy with her Farm Club fleece.fleece And look at this gorgeous one!

After shearing we (Farm Club again and other friends) did demos of all kinds of spinning and fiber prep, but that’s another story, especially because it’s too late to write more.

Relaxing at Someone Else’s Farm

A couple of weeks ago I went to Auburn, about an hour away, to the Shepherd’s Picnic hosted by Dan Macon and Flying Mule Farm. I went as a visitor even though I brought a table with books and a few supplies. I did not set up a booth though, so I was free to enjoy the day at liberty. Dan had the day set up kind of like we did for Meet the Sheep, with activities scheduled every hour or so.

DSC_0811 Shearing was first.DSC_0821 Dan does his own shearing.DSC_0826 DSC_0839 Here Dan throws a fleece onto the skirting table. DSC_0842 Beautiful, clean wool.DSC_0858 Next was a discussion of pasture management and flock management. Another friend, Farm Advisor, Roger Ingram, also helped out. I recorded some of what Dan and Roger talked about because I thought it would be great to share with Farm Club and others. One of these days I’ll get around to editing it so others can listen.DSC_0870 One of Dan’s former interns brought one of her milking sheep so that she could demonstrate milking.DSC_0874 After milking she shared previously pasteurized and cold sheep milk. That was my first taste of sheep milk and it was great!DSC_0885DSC_0882  Dan’s co-workers are invaluable assets to his farm. Mo, Taff, and Ernie have starring roles in Dan’s blog as well.DSC_0893 Dan, his daughter, and the dogs put on a herding demonstration.DSC_0905DSC_0902 What a beautiful spring day in the Sierra foothills! This is gorgeous country, especially when it is so green this time of year. I will admit that during lunch I lay down in the grass and the warm sun and fell asleep. I don’t do that very often!

Field Trip Season

I found a new Season. Field Trip Season. I’ve had 4 field trips here in the last couple of weeks. I don’t get very good photos during field trips because I’m the one who is leading the field trip, but I’ll use a few. Today I’ll share yesterday’s field trip because I got to be a participant (as opposed to leader) of part of it.DSC_0412Fibershed sponsored a field trip for representatives of Smartwool, Northface, Lucy (and maybe others) to learn about our end of textile production. Many (most?) people who purchase and use fabric, individually or commercially, don’t necessarily have a sense of where it comes from. The goal of this trip was to expand the awareness of fiber production–the animals, the farmers, the soil and plants–and the importance of supporting sustainable local farms, and the idea that there is plenty of wool grown in N. CA but not the infrastructure to turn it into cloth. That is a primary goal of Fibershed–to set in motion the creation of that infrastructure and to create thriving businesses that support farmers, designers, fiber processers, and consumers. Whew! Pretty lofty goals? I am always amazed at what Rebecca (creator of Fibershed) has coming up next. I really hope that you’ll spend some time on the Fibershed website  because I think it’s one of the most important non-profit groups you’ll find.

On to the field trip. I expected 5-6 people. There was a busload! First stop for us was the pasture.DSC_0388 The sheep performed admirably. I had waited to move the fence for the day’s grazing until the field trip was here. The sheep rushed to the fresh pasture just like they always do.DSC_0394 This is the group in the pasture. We spent a lot of time discussing pasture management, irrigation, choice of breed, wool types, etc.DSC_0401 Friend, Dona, brought this board over, getting ready for Meet the Sheep on Saturday. Some of the braver visitors tried it out.

The second part of the tour was a trip to Mary Pettis-Sarley’s ranch in the hills west of Napa. DSC_0411  Mary has a variety of sheep, cattle, and alpacas who live in a beautiful setting.DSC_0420 She creates Twirl yarn using unique blends of the fibers she grows.DSC_0421 The yarns are all natural colored or dyed with natural dyes from plants that grow on the ranch. The “I” in these labels indicates that the dyeplants are invasive species.DSC_0423 DSC_0432 A major challenge of raising livestock in the hills is the predator problem. Mary has 17 dogs, most of whom are various breeds of livestock guardian dogs (LGD). They can be intimidating when you drive onto the property, but aren’t so scary once they know you’re on the approved list (or maybe that you’re not a 4-legged hungry visitor).DSC_0442DSC_0437 Mary let out the bottle babies…DSC_0446 …and I think her part of the field trip won the Cuteness Factor award.DSC_0450 DSC_0455 We were accompanied by two of the pets on the way to Mary’s wool washing station.DSC_0468Now I’m jealous, not only of the property, but of this. Maybe I’d wash more of my own fleeces if I could figure out a set-up like this.DSC_0462 Here is where the fleeces are dried. Mary had several fleeces spread out so that the visitors could handle them and feel the characteristics that we’d been talking about all day.DSC_0465  A couple of scarves knit with Mary’s yarn.DSC_0483 As I drove way I saw some of Mary’s cows. As it happens, these cows are the daughters and granddaughters of Jennie, a Brown Swiss cow that Mary got from us when we left our dairy life in 1998. Talk about happy CA cows. These truly have a happy life.DSC_0489Look at their view of the Napa Valley if they choose to look up from all that grass. (Alpacas in this photo–they were right next to the cows.)

Fleeces Revisited

I haven’t finished getting the wool ready to send to the mill. Holidays get in the way. Now it’s COLD. Farm Club members have been helping and I think one more afternoon of skirting and sorting will do it. Sending wool off in January means I’m way ahead of my usual schedule.

If you are not excited about wool these photos won’t be very interesting. But to me they are a precursor of beautiful yarn and blankets.DSC_7777Alison’s fleece. The 3 x 5 cards provide scale (as well as remind me of whose wool is whose).DSC_7782 Eliza’s fleece


AthenaAthena’s fleece is a little shorter than the others, but very soft.  DSC_7798  Miller is a ram lamb born last March. This fleece is only 9 months growth. I can’t wait for next year’s.DSC_7816Hattie’s fleeceDSC_7793Did I say it was cold while we were working? Mary and Dona helped one day and Linda on another. DSC_7811Here was the best place to stand–a south-facing wall in the sun. We already finished with your fleece, Jazz.

Fondling Fleeces

On Shearing Day I sold over 20 fleeces but I was so busy that I didn’t get a change to really look at them.  Today some Farm Club members came to help skirt and sort fleeces.

DSC_6650Most of the fleeces that are left will be sorted into white, black, and gray. That’s what those barrels in the background are for. However, I’m keeping my eyes open for a couple of fleeces for some special projects that I have in mind. The wool on the table is Donna’s fleece.

DSC_6655 This is what Donna’s fleece looks like from the cut side. Isn’t that a beautiful shade of gray?

Donna 937Here is Donna.

DSC_6671Here is a sample of Ventura’s fleece. This is another that I may spin myself.

Here are some more pretty fleeces.



DSC_6663 Ginseng is a lilac lamb. Notice the change in color in the length of the staple–lightest color near the skin. It will be interesting to see what this fleece is like next year.

GinsengThis is Ginseng and her spots don’t appear light.



Onyx’s fleece. I’m keeping this one also.