Visiting Family in Texas – Part 4

The Eclipse in Texas post is here. That was on Monday. I was flying out on Wednesday, but in the meantime Dan and I had a day to find something to do. Kids were at school and Katie and Kurtis were at work. We drove to the town of Blanco to see what we could find.

We ended up at the Buggy Barn Museum where there are over 250 buggies, wagons, and carriages of all types. There is also a street with the Old West look and buildings that can be rented for photoshoots or gatherings.

We wandered around the Old West and explored the buildings.

We found a donkey (plastic) peering out of a stable.

Then we found the interconnected buildings that house the buggies. There are signs on some but not all. I don’t know what this wagon carried–something that needed to be confined to a cage.

Detail of the wheel on that buggy.

I can’t tell you all the different types, but there are a lot. Some of the buggies have signs that list movies or TV shows in which they have been used. Some have been restored for those shows. Others are replicas.

This is a view from an upstairs room that was also filled. There were several times I glimpsed a person driving or riding in a buggy and I had to look twice to realize it was a mannequin.

This person, however, was not a mannequin, but he dressed for the period. He was glad to see us and spent quite awhile telling us stories about some of what we were seeing.

Metal vultures overlooking the fence on the way out.

Back at the house I went on a walk. This is above the gate at Katie’s neighbor to the east.

This is across the road. That’s a bongo that we mostly saw under this tree. There are also zebras and springboks on the property.

One last photo of my new favorite flower. I find this one fascinating. It is called Antelope Horn for the look of the seedpods. No resemblance at this point. Maybe if I go back in the fall I’ll see some.

Visiting Family in Texas – Part 3

Part 2 of this Texas trip is here. This plan started way back last summer when Matt suggested that we all gather at Katie’s place in Texas for the total solar eclipse on April 8. She lives in the path of totality. It’s a good thing that Matt gave me plenty of warning. I bred the sheep a month earlier than normal so that I wouldn’t risk what happened in 2023–lambs due while we were on a planned family trip the first weekend of April. It worked, and all the 2024 lambs were born by March 7.

I didn’t go to Texas just for the eclipse. Since the family is there I spent a week with them.

Our friend, Roger, usually shares Thanksgiving and Christmas with us in California, but now that he has moved to Texas, he was a welcome addition to the Eclipse Day.

I have to attribute most of the photos to Kaleena. She did a much better job than I did with photos, especially of the actual eclipse.

We all tried out our eclipse glasses.

Then we waited.

The day was cloudy and overcast. We saw glimpses of the eclipse as the clouds came and went.

That made for some great photos by Kaleena. I evidently hadn’t paid attention to “how to photograph an eclipse”.

This was my contribution to Ellipse Day.

Visiting Family in Texas – Part 2

I’m slow at getting caught up with photos. I may never be caught up. Part 1 of this trip is here. On Sunday we drove to San Marcos for a glass-bottom boat tour at The Meadows Center managed by Texas State University.

This is the view from within the boat so I can share what the boats look like.

This is the view in the other direction showing out tour guide and the other people on the boat.

We are all sitting around a center channel with a glass bottom.

A view looking down into that channel.

A view of the bottom of Spring Lake. There are over 200 springs in the lake, bubbling up from the Edwards Aquifer. The water is at 72 degrees year round and the water from these springs becomes the San Marcos River. The guide pointed out what looked like current at the bottom of the lake in some areas and bubbles in others–those are the areas where water is rising from the springs.

After the tour we explored the Discovery Hall that is housed in the old building that used to be known as Aquarena Springs. For a fascinating glimpse into the history of the entertainment provided by the Aquamaids from the 1950’s through 90’s at this site see this link. Thanks to Kaleena for this great photo of Matt and Kasen sitting on the roof of the Hall.

We did a short walk on one of the trails around the Spring Lake Natural Area.

This sign explains that this area may be the oldest continuously inhabited spot in North America.

After that we drove into another part of the town and stopped along the San Marcos River where there is public access for swimming.

It was overcast, but warm enough for some of our group to want to get in the water.

Another great photo by Kaleena.

Back “home” we took another walk.

This is a close up view of a flower I identified in the last post…what was that? I just looked back. Pincushion Daisy. I took this photo because of the metallic green bee

Phlox roemeriana

I am experimenting with he ID ability of the phone (a feature I didn’t know about until Kaleena showed me). If I record something as a caption it shows up here. The common name is Goldeneye phlox.

Musicians seen along the road.

Pipevine Swallowtail
Antelope-Horns, Asclepias asperula

I shared these flowers in that other post also, but sharing new photos.

Antelope-Horns, Asclepias asperula

I am fascinated by this flower. It is so odd. And why that name?

The only photo that I am in–Kaleena took this one.

Next post will be Eclipse Day.

Texas Trip Revisited, Family

The last blog post about my September trip to Texas was mostly my favorite flower photos. Here are my favorite family photos.DSC_4088Kasen was about 21 months.DSC_4093


DSC_4098Kirby is was four and a little bit.DSC_4099I think that I would have loved to have a trampoline when I was a kid.DSC_4102




DSC_4153We visited the pumpkin patch to choose pumpkins and try to get a family portrait.DSC_4197First, a chicken picture.DSC_4160


DSC_4182I don’t think it was possible to get everyone looking in the same direction at the same time. But a beautiful family nevertheless.

Texas – All About the Grandkids

Less than a week and a half from the end of our road trip to Washington I flew to Texas for a short visit with the grandkids. I had to fit that in before Lambtown and the start of breeding season.

I got there on Thursday. The flight was in time for Katie to meet me in Austin and then pick up Kirby at school (pre-K now) and take her to her dance class.IMG_9958I had to hide behind another window because Kirby kept looking through the door.IMG_9960In the middle they changed from tap shoes to ballet shoes. The teachers helped each kid get the shoes on the right feet. They stuffed the bows in the toes of the shoes. Kirby didn’t like that and twice she pulled the ends of the bows out and I saw her twisting them around each other in an attempt to tie them. Eventually the teacher tied them and left them out–I think she tied a double knot. I meant to try and teach Kirby to tie a bow while I was there but actually I think she is too young. Next time…unless she already knows by then.IMG_9966

IMG_9973On Friday Kirby went to school and Mom and Dad were at work. Kasen usually goes to day care but he stayed with me all day.IMG_9975He is very self-reliant for a toddler and can entertain himself well.IMG_9976I enjoy taking the kids outside for at least part of the time. The weather this day was very pleasant.IMG_9979We walked to the end of the smaller road where it meets the main road. Kasen loves trucks and tractors and anything with wheels. So we started watching and listening for trucks.IMG_9981I moved him to the bank on the road where we could watch both directions (By the way, look at all those flowers–it’s been raining in Hill Country.) I’d hear a vehicle and ask if it was a truck or a car? “Car.” We waved. Some of the trucker’s blew their horns. This entertained Kasen for at last half an hour.
IMG_9983The road home.IMG_9989Back home with a favorite book, “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?”.IMG_9991Outside again.IMG_9995Katie and Kurtis have set up a play area for the kids–easier to keep track of them at this age than having them running through the dry grass and having to watch out for snakes and fire ants and scorpions.IMG_9998They love the trampoline and I love the trampoline because the kids are contained. (I thought I had better photos but now that I see these iphone photos on my computer I realize that none are sharp.)IMG_0020The sandbox (built by Papa Dan) is also a big attraction.IMG_0024Back inside with puzzles.IMG_0027You can hear when someone comes in the driveway. “Mama” or “Dada”!IMG_0029Time to go see who it is.IMG_0037It was Mama with Kirby. Time for the trampoline (champerline according to Kirby) before dinner.IMG_0044Kirby orchestrates the play time. “I’ll be the princess and Kasen is the prince and you be the dragon (or alligator or monster) and you try to get me.” Or “You be the alligator and you are sleeping and I’ll be the princess and I’m going to get you.”IMG_0073All I really wanted to do was to lie on the trampoline and look up at this amazing oak tree.IMG_0080Sunset view.IMG_0081I found this creature on the wall of the mud room. That’s one thing I don’t have to worry about here.IMG_0082Friday night was movie night. Ice cream and popcorn and getting to sleep in the living room. Kirby chose a Starwars movie but really only wants to see “the princess” and Darth Vader. IMG_0088Pumpkin Day. We went to a local nursery to find pumpkins.IMG_0090After pumpkin selection we went to the chicken yard to select a couple of new chickens to replace some that had been killed.IMG_0092Does someone have an attitude? The look on Kirby’s face reminds me of one of me at that age when I was looking at my little brother.

This was a short trip. I hope to see these kids again in January.

More with Texas Grandkids

One post just wasn’t enough for the grandkid photos.

Kirby has a great egg-collecting apron.

I think the trampoline is one of the best investments Katie and Kurtis have made. The baby is contained and having fun while Kirby can also work off energy with mom. And how nice to walk outside your door and have this without having to take the kids to town.

DSC_0152                   It seems that nightgowns are also good workout attire (see last post).


IMG_4970           After a strenuous workout it’s hard to stay awake for lunch.IMG_4973

IMG_5006        Wearing the unicorn hat she got for Christmas. Yes, there is a unicorn horn and mane on the back of this.

Another day’s activities include toenail painting, chasing your brother with a bucket on your head, more trampoline jumping, and the “Baby” dolls that I made for the kids.

IMG_5034            This time Kasen fell asleep before he made it to the high chair.

IMG_5039               When one goes to sleep sometimes its worth going on a walk so that the other will take a nap without an argument.

Sweet dreams, sweet kids!

Texas Grandkids

Lambing has just started and will quickly take over my life for the next few weeks, but first I want to share the photos of the cutest grandkids ever. I spent six days in visiting in Texas. If you come to this blog to see travel photos or farm photos or weaving photos, sorry. This post is all about grandkids.

My daughter went to work Friday morning and the 13-month old went to daycare so that I could do something with Kirby (3-1/2). I let her pick out her outfit and she chose this dress. Later I realized that it was a nightgown “dress” but, oh well, what’s wrong with going to the zoo in your nightgown?

IMG_4911             Jacob sheep at the Austin Zoo. This zoo is a rescue/animal sanctuary zoo. All of the animals were seized in animal cruelty cases, retired from other facilities, individual exotic pets that needed rehoming, retired lab research animals, etc. DSC_0082              Kirby didn’t want to see the lions or tigers, but I thought that this was a rather intimidating photo (not so much the tiger photo but the little girl in front of the giant tiger).

IMG_4928                                           Building a lego tower with flowers on top.

The next day Katie stayed home and I kept up with Kasen so Katie could work on things outside.

One of those projects was helping Kirby make a “fairy garden” using statues and other “garden art” that her recently deceased great-grandmother wanted her to have. That included outlining the area with rocks, some of which Kirby painted. Note that a nightgown dress is suitable attire for yard work as well as a zoo trip. Just add rubber boots.

DSC_0125          Singing Disney tunes.


So as to not overwhelm you with too much cuteness in one post I will write another with the next batch of photos!

Visiting Texas – Day 7

We left Big Bend NP (last post) about an hour before dusk without a real plan for where we’d stay that night. There were “campgrounds” outside of the park but those turned out to be RV parking lots. We figured that we would find something in Big Bend Ranch State Park, west of and adjacent to the National Park along the Rio Grande, and get in another day of hiking before Matt and I left the next morning from El Paso.

2017-12-TX-532                    This is the area where we camped. I got up when I saw the sunrise to explore near the river. We had heard rapids but couldn’t see the river from the campground. 2017-12-TX-533                  After all the signs at the previous day’s stops I did start thinking about mountain lions as I walked along deer trails though those willows and brush to reach the river. So I made plenty of noise, but I also decided to move to higher ground where there was no cover. 2017-12-TX-546                     I was also glad when Matt showed up with the same idea (early morning photography) in mind.

2017-12-TX-563            Logs and rocks in the river were enough to create the sound of rapids that we heard from camp.

2017-12-TX-568              This is the view back to the camping area. That green speck in the middle is the truck.




2017-12-TX-590                   We looked at the map to see where we might hike in this park and found Closed Canyon.

2017-12-TX-596                                                            This is a canyon that leads to the Rio Grande.

2017-12-TX-601Absolutely stunning! The photos don’t do it justice.


2017-12-TX-616                                                             You can walk in about 7/10 of a mile before you can’t go farther.

2017-12-TX-619                                                                  If you’re a mountain goat  you can try to go farther … or if you want to get wet.

2017-12-TX-635                                               Matt went around the bend and came back. The map shows that it is a relatively short way to the river.

2017-12-TX-644-22017-12-TX-651                                                             You wouldn’t want to walk here in the flash flood season.



2017-12-TX-665              That slot in the shadow is the entrance to this incredible canyon.

2017-12-TX-675                  On the road again.

2017-12-TX-685                 The next stop was the HooDoos Trail.

2017-12-TX-691             Hoodoos refers to these eroded formations.

2017-12-TX-704-Pano            Matt showed me how to do photos with my camera that you can later turn into panoramas. This isn’t distorted like the pano shots on the phone.

2017-12-TX-692           More spikey things.

2017-12-TX-699                   We left the park and were on our way to El Paso where we would spend the night and Matt and I would take an early flight home the next morning.

2017-12-TX-720                We entered the town of Marfa and Matt found on Trip Advisor that visitors could check out the dome of the city hall.

2017-12-TX-729              That was a good excuse to get out of the truck and stretch. This small West Texas town may be worth a second visit someday to investigate it’s art venues and to find out more about the Marfa Lights (google that).

2017-12-TX-731           Entering El Paso.

2017-12-TX-733                                               Flying over southern California where the fires were (are) still burning.



Visiting Texas – More of Day 6

There were too many photos from our day spent in Big Bend National Park that I split this into two posts. There is a photo in the middle of the last post (View from Sotol Vista) where I pointed out a slot in the ridge that indicated Santa Elena Canyon along the Rio Grande. The river defines the Park boundary for 118 miles and creates a riparian corridor in an otherwise desert landscape. We were headed to Santa Elena Canyon.

2017-12-TX-413                 Our first stop at the river was at raft/canoe take-out. Wildlife! I wish this was a sharper photo but I’m going to say that the javelina’s coloring makes it look blurry. I just looked up javelina and learned something. Javelinas (collared peccary) are not in the same family as the pig. There are a multitude of physical differences including the type of stomach (complex versus simple), gestation length (5 months versus 3+ months), and structure of the leg and foot.2017-12-TX-419                Here is a look at the river. Mexico is on the other side.2017-12-TX-422

2017-12-TX-427              We drove on to find the entrance to Santa Elena Canyon. This is that slot seen from a distance in the previous post. It is hard to imagine from this view what it looks like in that canyon.


2017-12-TX-431                                                             The 3/4 mile trail into the canyon begins with rock stairs built at the lower part of the cliff.



2017-12-TX-440             The view looking back from the stairs.


2017-12-TX-4672017-12-TX-454                                                             The trail ends where the cliff walls go right to the water.

2017-12-TX-477                At some points the cliffs rise 1500′ from the water.2017-12-TX-473          Coming back out of the canyon. In this view of the Rio Grande, Mexico is on the right. In the photos walking up the canyon, it is U.S. on the right and Mexico on the left.

I usually avoid politics in my blog (and would like to avoid politics in life) but I have to make a statement here. We spent the whole day exploring this park and the next couple of days driving in the same desert landscape. I don’t have the answers to immigration issues but a WALL? Where are you putting that Wall? Look at these photos. Social issues set aside, can you imagine the environmental consequences of building the proposed Wall? I only hope we can get through the next few years without the permanent loss and/or destruction of the remaining wild places that are left in our country.

Stepping down now…2017-12-TX-482          Roadrunner seen near the parking lot. We left Santa Elena Canyon and continued on a loop road that traverses the western edge of the park.

2017-12-TX-490                We stopped at Luna’s Jacal (Jacal: “a hut in Mexico and southwestern U.S. with a thatched roof and walls made of upright poles or sticks covered and chinked with mud or clay”), where Gilberto Luna raised “a large family”…

2017-12-TX-494            …and later when I spotted ocotillo that looked as though they had recently bloomed.

2017-12-TX-498-2         There were remnants of the red blossoms that grow at the end of the branches when there is moisture. Same with the leaves that cover the stalks for a few weeks after rainfall.

2017-12-TX-522                     We weren’t able to find an open campsite to reserve, at least according to the person working the computer at the last visitor center (whom we had reason to doubt, but what could we do?)…2017-12-TX-501              …so we ended our day at Big Bend and drove on to finding somewhere else to camp for the Next Adventure.

Visit to Texas – Day 6

We got to Big Bend National Park at dusk (this blog post). We quickly ate our beans and some kind of quick-cook rice dish, put all the food in the bear boxes (which made Matt think twice about his sleeping accommodations), and went to bed. It was COLD. I understand that we were not in Wyoming or Alaska or Antarctica. We were not in blizzard conditions. I can’t even imagine that. But this was plenty cold enough for me and, looking ahead to a whole night, I was turning into a real weenie. I eventually warmed up in my sleeping bag, but I had a realization about winter road trips. It gets dark at 6:00 and when it is really cold and you can’t have a fire there is nothing else to do but get into a sleeping bag. During our summer road trips we may go to bed at 9 or 10 and then read for awhile. But 6:00 is a full five or six hours earlier than my normal bedtime. I have decided that any future winter toad trips may include motels. But I digress…

2017-12-TX-314       Sunrise from the campsite in the morning. I wouldn’t have seen that from a motel room.

2017-12-TX-317              We spent the night in the back of the truck. Notice Matt’s cot and sleeping bag. Fortunately no one was bothered by bears.

2017-12-TX-320             …although we saw this sign at the trailhead right near our camp.

2017-12-TX-327                                                 We left camp early and went for a hike up the Lost Mine Trail. I was glad that I had a walking stick with me because much of the trail was icy and slippery.


2017-12-TX-335            This is the view to the south from where we were standing in the last photo. The southern border of the park is the Rio Grande but I’m not sure which of these mountain ridges border the river.


2017-12-TX-340                 We had only a day and a half to spend in this area so we didn’t plan to do any long hikes, but instead see as much of the Park as we could and get out where there were signs and shorter trails.

2017-12-TX-356              This stop was at the Sam Nail Ranch where there is a short trail to the remnants of an adobe dwelling built around 1909 when the Nail family lived here.2017-12-TX-352             The family planted fruit trees and raised livestock, living here until the 1940’s.




2017-12-TX-357            “Matt, hold still.”

2017-12-TX-360              View from Sotol Vista. Do you see that slot in the middle ridge, just left of the photo’s center? That is Santa Elena Canyon, about 12 miles southwest of this point, where the Rio Grande slices through the mountain, forming a narrow canyon with 1500′ walls. That will be for the next post.

2017-12-TX-364                The Mule Ears View Point was the next stop.

2017-12-TX-371                    I didn’t identify all the different kinds of cactus, but noticed some that were distinctly purple.


2017-12-TX-376               We walked into Tuff Canyon, so named for it’s volcanic origins.


2017-12-TX-386 Spectacular!



We stopped at the Visitor’s Center at Castolon on the southern border of the Park. We planned to stay at one of the “primitive” campsites on this site of the Park that night but were told that they were all reserved so we started thinking about Plan B. There was more to see though before we really had to worry about that.

2017-12-TX-394          There were a lot of interpretive signs at this point. Castolon was first settled in 1901 and became a destination for refugees fleeing the Mexican Revolution. Barracks were built but never used by the army and in the 1920’s the La Harmonia Company established  a trading post and started growing and ginning cotton. That venture ended in the 1940’s.

2017-12-TX-395             This is the modern day view of that same landscape.

2017-12-TX-398            One of the old building that still remains at Castolon.


2017-12-TX-402                  I think this statement is true.

2017-12-TX-406              We stopped at the Dorgan House Trail, where there were more ruins.

2017-12-TX-403                 It felt like lunch time. Dan couldn’t fit all the way in where he had stashed the box with my granola. Eventually I squeezed in there and he pulled me out by my feet because I was laughing too hard to get out myself.

Next post: Santa Elena Canyon.